[picspam] top 5 merlin/morgana moments (until ep. 3x09)

Nov 12, 2010 21:14

english what? I´m being productive. Made for spell_secrets Top 5 event. :DD It was way too easy to choose this tbh... (also, this is obviously only considering scenes that have aired, who knows what'll happen in the future, as I'm pretty sure there'll be more of this two to enjoy :D! Or dread...)

ps: sorry for any typos i might have done, feel free to point them out. This took forever to write and do and I'm a bit tired now to even try and read what I wrote :((

español oh productividad ! Este top 5 es para la actividad de top 5 momentos m/m de spell_secrets :DDDD Y la verdad, es que fue más fácil de lo esperado poder elejirlos. :DDD Obviamente, esto considera solamente los epis que ya han sido emitidos y quien sabe lo que pasará en el futuro ado que espero que haya más de estos dos forever. :DD


If you know me, have seen me around, have been around on this journal for a while, you know I'm a hardcore multishipper on Merlin. Which I really am, however, I've got to admit that on screen, besides the little things we get here and there that support most of my ships (the most commons and the most weirds), i trully believe there's no ship on the show that has proven ON SCREEN to be as interesting as Merlin/Morgana.

They are different, their dinamics have varied a lot during the course of the series, the state of they relationship has changed, and you could probably say it's the relationship that has had more sense in the whole show in it's development. And tbh, it simply fascinates me, because there's so much going on with them, and everything else going on with everyone else, ends in each of them.

When I thought about doing the top 5... I thought it was going to be really harder than it was, it probably just took me 5 minutes to decide which scenes I wanted here, and one or two more minutes to put them in order. I think it has a lot to do with the poignance of each scene, which in a way, backs up everything I'm trying to say here, specially considering as I just realized when making the post that they turned out to be in chronological order even if I just ordered them by preference. DEVELPMENT, I TELL YOU. IT EXISTS.

The simplest of moments. There's not much I can really say except that I knew on this moment that I was going to ship them. They don't interact, and Morgana doesn't even know he is there. But there's this soft adorableness as well as Merlin's awe at the Kings Ward, just as he's been awed about everything in Camelot. And there's this sweetness that will be the basics of their interactions during season one. Morgana being high class, Merln being just a servant, but them being adorable with each other without really crossing any borders.

Oh. This moment. This is the first time they actually share a secret (ep 1x03 doesn't count). There's a lot of bonding on this ep, it starts pointing out how they'll develp, but there's still that sense of difference, and yet they are discovering the other one without really knowing, specially Merlin. It's the first time he is told by other other than his family that magic can be good, that he is suggested that. And there's so much chemestry and the way Merlin just stares at her, as if she was some sort of revelation and she is actually UNCOMFORTABLE under the eyes of a simple servant. I just love this moment to pieces and wish some day we'll by some miracle get that more flirty scene Katie said they had filmed.

LAKSAKS. Excuse me while I go flailing a bit at this moment. When the episodeaired, letsey_x made a gif of this scene that was simply amazing and I could stare HOURS at it without getting tired. It didn't need the voice or any sound for it to be tense and drmatic and amazing. If we add the contest and I get all CAUSE THEY ARE OBVIOUSLY AMAZING, we can talk about the fact that this episode in general settles a new thing for them, a new status imho between them. It's an I UNDERSTANd. HE UNDERSTAND. WE UNDERSTAND. OH HAI TRUST TRUST basically (yes, I do see the little coherence of my thoughts). This is tension, pure, from both sides and I love it, mostly because it's a friendly tension, and there's sooo much lingering on the air, so many things they are not saying and I think this is something that it's always there with them and ASÑLAÑSL I just think it's amazing.

Oh this scene. This scene and my heart. And i'm pretty sure all our hearts, and tbh, until not very long ago this was still my favourite scene EVER. (it probablly still is in a general merlin show pov). It broke my heart to pieces and yet I loved it to it's very last second. Going back to the whole development thing, this makes the switch. I think this is one of the most poignant moments for Morgana's character in the present time. I think it also will basically rule every single interaction they have from here until they are dust and bones.

It was amazing, the tension, Merlin's reluctance and sense of duty collapsing, him wanting to believe in Morgana and then failing and no having other optio (because they have him none) that to kill her off, because it was her or Camelot (and him too). And he didn't wat, but he still cried, and he went and hugged her because he couldn't cope with what he was doing. But mostly because of Morgana's face, of Morgana's word (You are a good friend), because of the extreme betrayal on her face (i think this probably was katie's best performance on the show imho). And tere's so much lies and things not said and so much messing up. (it kind of gets explained in retrospect and without really don't doign so in the crystal cave, where merlin is thinkig he is stoping things and he is actually provoquing them, and there's a lot of that with him and Morgana ALWAYS). And it's such an epic strong scene that even if it just breaks me to think about it simply amazes me way more, and that's why it's one of my favourite things ever.

This is the beggining of a new stage, friendship is over and done, but they are still pretty much the same and pretty much opposites after this precise moment. I'm a bit of a masochist, I know.

Oh this scene! This scene. It's probably hard to explain after all the love I say to have to the previous scene, this one ended up as first, but actually it's quit simple. It's gorgeous and it sums up everything. Everything Merlin and Morgana has been so far is here, and I can't really wait to see where this ends. Sometiems I like to pretend (to believe) that the Merlin/Morgana relationship is a bit of a circle, that can never come fully closed, but will tend to always go back to the begining. That my heart basically wishes (probably will not) with them wiser and older knowing how fouls and how naïve they were, and how naïve they'll still be, and how that trust, that feeling of crossing boundaries will always be between them. But I'm going off topic (no say!).

Anyway, I think this scene is simply amazing, the silences, the body gestures, the tension (OMG HAI UST UST. PLZ BE MAKING KIDS IN THE WOODS EVENTUALLY), the words. The fact that merlin knows her, knew her, and the fact that he does not at all, because he'll never understand what he trully did to her, but yet, he obviously regrets it, but she'll never forgive him. She'll never understand why he did it either. And there's so much they are not really telling each other, and so much you know they want to say. This moment is perfect imho and I LOVED IT TO PIEcES, doesn't do bad that it's extremelly visually gorgeous or that Colin & Katie have an amazing chemestry as Merlin & Morgana.

Everything is amazing on this scene and I simply fell in love with it ♥


Please, do not edit, hotlink or repost ♥
Hope you liked it ♥

warn: spoilers, comm: spell_secrets, *graphics: picspam, tv: merlin

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