[picspam] doctor who | 5x04 | time of the angels

Apr 25, 2010 15:35

english i'm pretty convinced doctor who stole my free will. it just ordered me to picspam it. Time of the Angels was pretty and awesome and I just.. had to. ♥ Also, bit of commentary just because... and I write too much, but feel free to ignore my rambling :DDD

español doctor who posee mi alma y yo soy su pequeña esclava¿ LOL. Basicamente, es que no tenía otra opción que hacer picspam~~ TENÍA que, todo tan bonito y genial como es ♥ Y lo siento, los comentarios están solo en ingles porque estoy demasiado vaga para traducir todo, pero se resume en: weeping angels + river + 11 + relaciones amy/river & river/doctor + citas ♥ + es todo como muy corto = AMOR DE MIS AMORES.

.hello, sweetie

pre-titles action: river being awesomely 007-ish | wibbly wobbly timey wimey stuff happening at the same time.

I've gotta say. I loved it. At first i was confused if I had the rigth episode in my hands, and then it felt a bit too bond-esque and then there was a museum and wibbly wobbly timey wimey stuff and the result was ♥

.you call that flying the TARDIS? ha!

River is IN and it notices, she just leaves her shoes there, liek the more common him, this is HOME. Amy is confused, the Doctor is annoyed.

I loved this bits to pieces. The doctor impersonating the TARDIS was awesome, and though I know that fandom is not happy with this because... well, it's part of the TARDIS forever, I just like it, and to quite the doctor "I like that noise". Amy/11 5 minutes moment keeps my mind in the grandpa sorta relation ship and ♥ And the weariness in which the doctor treats River is ♥ ALSO, bickering.

.how exciting … spoilers!

geek me wants to make herself a spoiler!book. and that's totally random. Anyway, I think "her past, my future" exchange was very awesome and acknowledged the different perspective both River & the Doctor have on the whole situation. For River it's already something she is used to, for the Doctor is just the second time he sees her. At the same time, it represents everything he will live AND everything she already lived, which in a way, reflects the fact that in his first encounter with her, its the end of her and the start for her. Also, Weeping Angels are introduced and the Doctor is enjyed the danger ♥

.that which holds the image of an angel becomes itself an angel.

Wait in the tardis till is safe + Mr. Grumpy face + Is she your wife? + Angel ina screen + reading a book in a second + awesome quote + do't look in the eye = AWESOME.
This might sound stupid, but this part gets a bit scarier when you rewatched. I didn't really have a problem with Blink, but this one, after you know the whole thing about not looking at the angel in the eye and its eyes popping its eyes frecuently, it gets worse when you already know. JUST SAYING.

Amy looks pretty much like a scholl girl in the first scene, and then is very awesome, there's so many lines I liked from here.
"Yes. You are right, I'm Mr.Grumpy face today" "Anybody need me? Nobody?" "Oh, it's so strange when you go all baby-face" "Have you ever tried not blinking?!" "that which holds the image of an angel" and introucing the next part of the picspam: "The eyes are not the windows to the soul. They are the doors. Beware what enters there.

.there's something in my eye

creepy. stone!amy possibility was fairily creepy, though, expected the moment the doctor ass her not to look in its eye. And yet, pretty awesome. I lvoe the fact that Amy LISTENS. I mean, the fact that it's being said all the time that Amy is "good, very good" anoys me a bit, however, I do love the fact that even though she seems to just lurk sometimes and no really pay attention, she actually LISTENS. So, even though she was in this scary situation and the doctor was saying so many things to her, she actually pays attention and WITH THAT she is capable to win the situation if that makes sense ♥

.the time will be upon us. the time of angels

What if we had ideas that could think for ourselves? What if our dreams no longer needed us? ... the time will be upon us. The time of angels.

"Read it to me" I really like how the mythology of the Angels was expanded. And I really liked it. I liked the quotes, I like what so far they mean and I like that they are not mere survivors, survivors means they sued to live for something, right? ANYWAY. I love how the Doctor and River realize that every statue is an angel, I love how Amy stone!hand is just her mind, and I love that the doctor has "space teeth" (what, I have a 5-year-old brain most of the time). And I love BOB, Bob and his not so painless death, Bob and "the angel can't talk", Bob and "I'm sorry, sir" By this point I had to stop the episode because I was interrumpted (the first time) and I realized there were only 3 minutes left and I was pretty much WTF-ed at the fact that IT JUST HAD GONE BY and... that IT WAS IMPOSSIBLE it would resolve in 3 minutes.

And I've gotta say, the same happened when I rewatched, I was all "where did the episode go" and, the same when I started doing the picspam, and the same now that I'm finish with this sort-of-review. Which is of course a bad (omg i want more now) and good (if an episode flies by it's because it IS good) thing ;D

.and what would that be, sir?

Should I add anything to this? We had seen it in the trailer, but that compared to the significance, the build-up that has here, well, it's nothing, and put together with the awkward jumping = awesome.


Credit & comments are ♥
Please, do not edit or repost ♥
Hope you liked it ♥

tv: doctor who, warn: spoilers, *graphics: picspam

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