[manip-sorta-thing + goodies] merlin/morgana ♥ {spoilers 2x12}

Dec 31, 2009 13:11

english last post of the year! wow and I thought the multishipping picspam was gonna be it. BUT. Last night I was dreading to try to manip something, and tehn realized, there was one scene from 2x12 I wanted to see... full and not in parts. So, I played a lot around the image, the effects are weird but I just didn't want it to look plain. It's not exactly a manip. but whatever. fanartish thing whatever you wanna call it. It also brings ICONS & January!Wallpaper to match ♥

♥ I hope you have a great 2010 start !

español contrario a la creencia popular, no, el multishipping picspam resulta ser que no es el último post del año, sino que este lo es :DD Anoche tenía ganas de jugar con manips, y no sabía DE QUE, hasta que recordé que había una escena del 2x12 que quería ver... completa. So, salió esto, que no sabría muy bien como clasificarlo porque no es exactamente una manip, y es medio raro pero al menso es COMPLETO?. En fin, viene con icons y wallie!calendario de acompañamiento :DD

♥ Espero que el 2010 les reciba bonito~~ !


ETA: I fail at life and put 2x11 everywhere and it was 2x12. SORRY! Edited nau.

[01] Merlin/Morgana manip thing from their last scene on 2x12.
Bonus: 6 icons + 1 calendar!wallpaper ♥


fanartish!manip or whatever




wallpaper january

1280x960 | 1280x1024 | 1440x900


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♥ Most important: Enjoy!! ~ Más importante: Disfruten!!

*graphics: wallpaper, warn: spoilers, *graphics: fanartish, *graphics: icons, tv: merlin

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