[picspam] lost | kate/juliet from 3x15 ♥

Oct 12, 2009 15:31

english :: picspammy challenge is something different. And I kept wondering what I could do because, obviously there was o way to fit Merlin in this lol and last night, while sick and unable to sleep (don't ask) these two came to my mind. And well... this was born ♥ Also, Merlin icons soon :D probably today, i'm spamming you too much

español :: el reto de picspammy es algo diferente, y seamos sinceros, posiblemente nunca hubiera hecho esto si no. Pero anoche cuando no podía dormir no sé porque razón se me ocurrió esto y aquí está :DDDDDDD Also, icons de Merlín luego yo y mi spam.

Why Lost? I don't usually fangirl over the show (I'm usually behind) but it's sth I've been wanting to picspam for a while (because, look at the pretty!) but there's so much to picspam (and I can of did marathon with the last three seasons which led to overload) that I just kept leaving it behind. So, here is an excuse to do something I probably wouldn't have done otherwise.
Why Kate/Juliet? They are my crack!pairing. I'm a canon!girl in Lost. But this episode is kind of an obsession and forget the boys, the girls look too pretty not to have their own space ♥

Lyrics Let me out & Home by Ben's Brother
Caps: screencaps.org

Please, do not edit ♥
Hope you liked it ♥

tv: lost, credit: screencaps.org, warn: femslash, *graphics: picspam, comm: picspammy

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