[merlin] all the words that are to come {merlin/morgana} - english

Oct 05, 2009 15:07

I should, for the sake of all start doing something that it's not Merlin, but I can't help myself. So, sorry for the spam if you aren't interested. ANYWAY... at least I'm writing in english too? *puppy eyes*

Fandom: Merlin
Title: all the words that are to come
Characters: Merlin, Morgana {merlin/morgana}
Rating: PG13
Warnings: SPOILERS FOR 2x03.
Word Count: 404
Summary: For viennawaits prompt: I'll make a brand new start of it @ VAGINA FEST: ROUND TWO
Notes: I was tempted to call this fic "the fic where I realized how Salazar!Morgana/Helga!Merlin would be an awesome fic to read" (based on only two sentences XD). And yes, this is an important note, let me be. LOL

It’s not coming back to what used to be.

It’s coming back to what never was.

Merlin always smiles; when she locks eyes with him is like being grounded to the floor, or flying, or maybe a bit of both. She isn’t really sure she minds too much which one, only that it is.

My lady, he says when she passes by him. Merlin, she mutters with her eyes.

She should feel alone. This is no longer home, it’s no peace, and it’s not her people. She should feel strange, away, because she doesn’t belong. And yet, she does.

She should feel alone, but she feels complete.

Why did you help me?
Because I care.

She doesn’t dream as often as before, she practices alone and in the dark; she tries to control it. (She fails and starts again; she will not give up).

She tells Merlin, she joins him at night and sits by his bed. She tells him every thing she did wrong, everything she did right. And he listens, as if he could understand.

Those nights, she doesn’t dream at all.
(It’s like fresh air on her lungs, like Aglain words or Mordred stare; it’s like starting a new life).

Will you tell me the truth one day?

For now, that’s enough.

Home used to be the place were she lived. Home is the place where she is.
It’s not Camelot, and yet, at the same time it is.

She whispers that to Merlin, hope in her words, and he looks, concerned and confused. She laughs and he smiles.

Home is hope inside her.
(And Merlin to share it with).

Would you come with me if I'd left?
Would you stay if I asked you?

She kisses him at the door of her bedroom. She stands on the tips of her toes and barely presses her lips on his. It’s short and naïve. And they stay like that for minutes before they break apart. Smiling and a bit nervous.

Will you tell me the truth?

He smiles, innocent and embarrassed, struggling inside. She can see that, and she tickles him with magic in the palm of his hand.

‘We don't always need words to speak to one another’. He quotes the words she once told him Aglain had said to her. Good night, my lady.

She thought she was going to her death.

Now she knows, she was finding life.

character: morgana le fay, warn: spoilers, length: drabble, character: merlin, !english, tv: merlin

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