[picspam] the rescuers

Sep 02, 2009 21:55

english :: I know I promised icosna and graphics and a mortal instruments picspam, BUT... picspammy has a new challenge that it's like OMGLOVE. The focus is on colour and colour makes me happy and I started looking at things to picspam and found this and OMGHEREITIS? Will try to bring the things I promised soon :DDDD

español :: Sé que prometí muchas cosas, que debería escribir en mis ratos libres y que siempre vengo con algo que no es, pero el reto de picspammy de este mes es demasiado bueno para dejarlo pasar. So... he aquí mi primer intento :DDD

Ahh. I love how most animated movies arer so colourful, this one specially!! ♥ Only the darker images are more blue-only, but the rest are so incredible full of the most randoms colours.and i can't barely remember what exactly happens. i still love the movie loool. ♥

Please, do not edit ♥
Hope you liked it ♥

*graphics: picspam, comm: picspammy, movie: the rescuers

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