So, I bring you several places to check, actually, just 3, but well, you should check them all <3 Cause they are all love <3!
Thanks to
kisuvampyr and
make_me_irish we've got this lovely and pretty site for Kellan Lutz as Emmett Cullen!!
kelmett_happens's actually the first place to give Emmett love, and so for Kellan! So, what are you waiting?! That's teh perfect Emmett there!! <3! So, go and
JOIN TIA is an awards community where you can nominate your favourite icons based on the Twilight Series. We know there are plenty of lovely and wonderful icon-makers around, so, let’s give them love!
TIA ||
JOIN We are needing people to go and nominate, it doens't take that mcuh time and you'll sure make a lot of people really happy <3!! So, go, join and start moving :P!!
And to finish, cause i'm pretty much crazy, and I can't stand not trying again, I've joined round 3 of:
lumos_lims ROUND 3
ROUND THREE SCHEDULE ROUND THREE SIGN UPS ROUND THREE BYES And that's the end of me spaming you with promotions, but you shoudl really check all those comms <3!!!