[picspam + icons] Kings ♥

Apr 24, 2009 23:17

english >> Oh, what a productive day, early i posted the request I've been owing and now I bring more Kings ♥ Oh how I love it. <3. Anyway, picspam of one of my favourites scenes from the first episode "Goliath". contains SPOILERS, I seriously recommend you to watch the show (and not see this unless you do).

español >> Que día más productivo, temprano postee los request que debía y ahora traigo más Kings ♥ Ay como me he enamorado de la serie. <3 En fin, picspam del primer episodio "Goliath". Contiene SPOILERS. Recomiendo enormemente que vean (o le den una opoortunidad al menos) la serie (y que no vean el picspam si no lo han hecho!).

[[ david: Everyone thinks I'm brave. But I'm not.
Eli: Be brave now. ]]

[[ david: You want blood? Come here and take it. It's fresh, still warm from the life that left it - the blood of my brother. Take his blood and call it enough. If you need more, take mine. Do it. I surrender; shoot me and call it enough. Or can one of you come down here and show me your face? Show me that you're more than tank, metal and shell - that you're human like we are - that you breathe, that you bleed, that you feel and feel pity - that you live for more than our deaths. Come, any of you who have lost a brother. Come and tell me it's enough. ]]

Comment: I loved this scene. I loved everything about the first episode really, but this was simply too much. I just love Eli and him dying and David going through that and asking for peace was such a strong moment I had to choose it.

Comentario: Amé esta escena. Es tan potente. O sea, amé cada pedacito del primer episodio, pero esta en particular fue mucho. Amo a Eli (si sé que solo aparece allí, pero le adoro XD) y su muerte, en conjunto con David y su enfrentamiento pidiendo basta me pareció una escena muy fuerte y tuve que elejirla a la hora de hacer el picspam.

because i can't help myself || porque no puedo evitarlo



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♥ Credit is ♥. (nyaza or charmingways) || Dar crédito es ♥ ( nyaza o charmingways)
♥ Comments are ♥. And they make me happy! || Los comentarios son AMOR y me hacen feliz ♥
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♥ Most important: Enjoy!! || Más importante: Disfruten!!

tv: kings, *graphics: picspam, *graphics: icons

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