english >> Hai guys! I'm back from holidays, and I bring you goodies. Not the requests, I promise those will come soon, but I had this idea in my head the whole week and it was the first thing I started doing once I was able. Anyway, this is gonna be a huge post (long actually) cause I guess I tried to make many thing at once LOL. Hope you like it. Try to read it all, cause I guess it might be confusing.
español >> Volví de las vacas, y me gustaría decir que traje los requests, pero me he pasado con esto desde que llegué porque no podía quitarme la idea. Espero que les guste ♥ Este será un post largo, porque creo que quise abarcar muchisimas cosas.
Do your maths
A multiship Merlin fanmix/(sorta)ficmix + icons || Spoilers for the whole S1
Here you'll find: 21 songs divided in two volumes, complete art for volume one, random drabbles in English or Spanish and icons of all the couples mentioned. Also, there's not a special mood or sth... just thought I should warn so LOL
ETA: individual links should be working now.
Aquí encontrarán: 21 canciones divididas en dos volúmenes, arte completo para el volumen uno, drabbles en español e ingles y icons de las parejas pertinentes.
ETA: los linsk individuales deberían funcionar ahora.
Volume One
One for all
Black is the colour of my true love's heart . neverending white lights
nimueh/igraine |
individual |
art Outside . staind
uther/morgana |
individual |
art A burning path of flame
.122 palabras
.ubicado en el 1x12
Es una ráfaga de viento. Un segundo en el espacio infinito que se monta en sus sueños. Es un momento inesperado, la rabia creciente, el fuego en sus venas. La venganza que no espera. Es un si, un tal vez, un seguro y el dolor en sus muñecas. Es el dolor contenido, los rechazos no contados, el silencio nunca escrito y la distancia no forzada. Es un ahora y la muerte, son palabras, cálidas que opacan todo. Es el fuego que se olvida, el terror que se vuelve brisa. En el fondo, es la oscuridad que les envuelve, que les encierra, poco a poco, junto al otro. Les sofoca, les martiriza. Luego de todo, hay solo un paso del amor al odio.
The horror of our love . ludo
uther/nimueh |
individual |
art you bury me
.208 words
She passes in front of the window, looking at the grounds that will never be hers. Nimueh is Lady of the magic, woman of the Court, lover of the Ling, but never the Queen, not the owner of the kingdom lands. She feels Uther’s hands on her naked body, his lips on her neck, his words muffled with kisses.
“She knows,” She says. Her words condemn the actions she still hasn’t made.
The city burns the day she leaves. Burns with sorrow, skin, life and death. It burns inside her too. She knows betrayal better than she ever thought she would, she knows of magic and power. She knows of love left behind, she knows of love that really never was.
She wasn’t looking for vengeance when she agreed. Now, she can only think about that.
When Nimueh dies is not as his hands as anybody who had lived back then would have expected, and yet, it’s his heart the one that feels the pain, the sadness and the relieve. It’s his eyes the ones that are crossed by shadows and screams.
When he dies, he is buried along the side of his Queen, and yet, his last thoughts will be singing for his only lover.
Different . acceptance
merlin/nimueh |
individual |
art Waiting for something
.111 words
.settled during 1x13 (final 'battle')
She is waiting him even though she hasn’t really finished with Gaius. He is almost there, almost gone, but she can feel Merlin, his power, his gorgeous presence before he steps into the island. That gigantic, that powerful he already is. She does not fear him; she just waits for him as a kid waits for a Christmas present. He is hers. He will be hers.
And when he is there, she hopes, she hopes likes she hasn’t have for years, he is her obsession, her future. The world was made for them, to rule, to bring magic back. She waits and fails.
She dies being the same she always was.
Tired & Uninspired . my american heart
morgana/gwen |
individual |
art Iris . goo goo dolls
merlin/arthur |
individual |
art Who I am
.125 palabras
La magia circula dentro de él, ansiosa, temeraria, un suave reflejo de sus sentimientos. Arthur le observa, ojos caídos, mirada sombría, sin palabras ni quejas. No hay magia capaz de romper el embrujo en que se encuentran. No hay magia capaz de romper las barreras de las mentiras, del engaño ni del temor al adiós. Dentro, se queda dentro, viva, fugaz, palpitante y no escapa, aún cuando su más recóndito deseo sea salir, a la luz, al mundo, rodear al príncipe que le observa y sonreír hasta la libertad de su piel. Existen miradas capaces de matar, y otras, como las que Arthur le devuelve ahora capaces de dar la vida. Con o sin magia, están allí. Ellos, la magia, y luego, recién, el mundo.
Waiting game . yellowcard
merlin/morgana |
individual |
art What it is
.116 words
It’s a knock. Soft, proud, low. It’s a knock, an action unexpected. It’s his face behind the door and his blushed ears. She lets him in. He doesn’t leave.
It’s magic, everywhere, in her dreams, in her life. Understanding flooding her senses, fear cramping her will. It is loneliness and dread. The night welcomes her, the days screams its way out.
It’s a hidden smile, the lingering fingers in her skin, the spark, the motion of worlds she is yet to understand. It’s his kisses, his moaning in her mouth. The night forgotten, the dream coming back when he is gone.
It’s her. It’s him. Past. Present. Future. And everything they leave behind.
Spit the dark . empires
morgana/nimueh |
individual |
art We've got the rain on our side . the scene aesthetic
merlin/will |
individual |
art Coming back
.59 words (lol)
. settled at 1x10
Coming back home is like freedom once again. It is known land, soft smells and warm sun on his skin. Bandits escape his mind the moment they fled, and then he only has eyes for Will. He waits, petrified, for his reaction, and then, they are on each other arms. Home is a safe wonderful place to come back.
Somewhere a clock is ticking . snow patrol
arthur/morgana |
individual |
art Wow . snow patrol
morgana/mordred |
individual |
art Come for you
.205 words
.future drabble
He pushes limits, minds, fears. He pursues his needs. The unfairness of a world ruled by Uther, the blindness hate for his son. He asks for things she can not give him. She dreams of him every night since he parted. She is waiting him when he comes back.
He grabs her hand. Secrets hiding in the Castle, he is not here for everyone else. He pulls, she resists, he whispers in her year. ‘Come with me,” he says. She knows there’s no other way.
He kisses her in the run, in her neck, in her lips and makes her see the sky. ‘You’ve been waiting for me,’ his eyes say. “We’ll be back, you know we will,” and this time is his voice in her head, his hands in hers and their feets running in the cold night.
She was waiting, she is running.
It’s the only way she knows, his voice in her head, her dreams in her bed, the late night words of a future she can’t escape.
He holds her tight as they reach the woods, one last glance at Camelot and the star shinning behind.
This is her path to take.
His hand to guide the way.
download complete volume one +
here complete booklet w/art Volume Two
Bonus for some
No art for bonus one + no individual songs (my connection is crappy right now)
I want blood . empires | uther/nimueh
Anger's a lesser disaster, the truth is I got a fever
Your scream insanity, I'll be right there.
I want blood, I want blood from you
If it ain't your love, I want blood from you
Valmont . empires | uther/nimueh
In the time I had you dressed in sillhouette,
We had both been dark and heart obssessed.
You followed as I fell, and you dug inside my chest.
You told me just to breathe, but you stole my breathe.
Destructive is the way we want to be.
Keep it loadin' to me.
So damn tragic, so fantastic.
Something about us . daft punk | merlin/morgana
might not be the right one
It might not be the right time
But there's something about us I've got to do
Some kind of secret I will share with you
Lo que no dicen
.121 palabras
Morgana es la primera en saberlo. No por sus sueños, no por su poder, solo por él. Es tan obvio, tan simple y tan único que parece ridículo no haberlo notado antes. Que nadie lo haga aún es aún peor.
Comparten secretos entre las sabanas, abrigados de los horrores que la vida les presenta. Olvida sus sueños, sus futuros, recuerda su piel, y su magia, sobre ella y tras ella. Poco a poco no son uno, son dos, lazos de tierra que los unen, los contraen. Solo ellos. Ellos al mundo.
En el silencio de la corte pasan años, vidas, sueños de vidas que no serán. Pero siempre estarán las noches a escondidas y el terror del peligro de sus vidas.
All at once . the fray | merlin/gwen, merlin/morgana, arthur/gwen
There are certain people you just keep coming back to
She is right in front of you
You begin to wonder could you find a better one
Compared to her now she's in question
Maybe you want her maybe you need her
Maybe you had her maybe you lost her to another
To another
.402 palabras
En las tardes se sientan en los peldaños de la entrada al castillo. Como si fuera una vieja costumbre, algo que han hecho desde siempre. Salvo que no lleva tanto tiempo instalado, pero al mismo tiempo, les parece que es lo único que les ata al pasado. Hombro con hombro, miradas al vacío. Conversan de trivialidades, de sueños, de vidas. Omiten el horror de las pesadillas, la perdida que se sitúa fuera de Camelot. Se reconfortan el uno al otro, como siempre lo han hecho. Allí están, y allí vuelven.
Es la memoria de cabellos negros, de ojos en llanto, de locura y desesperación lo que los separa. Esperan, sueñan. Allí está, en sus recuerdos, prohibiendo lo que podría ser, rompiendo lo que es. Cuando se sientan, mano en mano no se ven, esperan la venida, el regreso de ella. En silencio. Pero allí están ellos. Serenos y calmos. Como si fuera casa, como un hogar. Partido en dos, rotos por medio. Ella apoya su rostro en su hombro y llora en silencio. Él le abraza torpemente. Quizás… y entonces recuerda la majestuosidad perdida y llora con ojos secos.
Falta una vez, falta dos veces. A la tercera el corazón le da un vuelco. A la cuarta está de vuelta, pero no es la misma. Por unos días, parece que el recuerdo es aún más fuerte, y la perdida más grande.
Arthur siempre les observa. Una corona que pesa a rito en su cabeza y el horror de sucesos que no olvida en su mente. Los ve allí y tiembla, y sabe y se acerca. A uno, al otro, como puede, como debe. Prometió una vez protegerla, nunca pensó que Morgana podría ser la peor tortura que cualquiera de ellos podría obtener.
Se acercan en silencio. Rey y doncella. Es torpe, recuerda a días donde eran cuatro, donde eran uno, donde el futuro era lejano, suave y dulce. En la pena se abrazan.
Es la cuarta vez que falta, pero labios calientes en los suyos son somníferos para sus memorias, los recuerdos se borran, las sonrisas regresan. Pero vuelve. No quiere faltar una quinta.
Es en la boda, brillante, única, donde Merlin se da cuenta, cuando se sienta en los escalones que le han dado vida que nunca tuvo lo que perdió y que perdió lo que siempre tuvo.
Los peldaños serán desde entonces su solitario refugio.
Keep the mood . empires | merlin/morgana
The future, it never meant enough to me.
I went there.
I traded in my memories.
It's gonna happen.
We'll make it.
We've got to feel it through the night.
Hold your breath now,
We'll get down.
Keep the mood right through the night.
Lucky . jason Mraz | merlin/will
Every time we say goodbye
I wish we had one more kiss
I'll wait for you I promise you, I will
I'm lucky I'm in love with my best friend
Lucky to have been where I have been
Lucky to be coming home again
8 holes . astroboy | merlin/will/arthur
See my eyes are green and gold
don't belive in what you're told
that my advantages are skills
and i need a friend to kill
when it comes november
i will be december
murder is a cliche and
i am not a common place
Chocolate . snow patrol | merlin/arthur
What have I done it's too late for that
What have I become truth is nothing yet
A simple mistake starts the hardest time
I promise I'll do anything you ask...this time
Die for you . megan mccauley | merlin/arthur
And I bleed you since I've healed you.
Your pain escapes through me.
'Cause I breathe you, but I hate you.
'Cause they say we could never be
And I see you.
And I feel you.
And I hate you.
But I'd die for you.
I'd die for you.
Sleep . poets of the fall | morgana/everybody (mostly)
You just need to heal
Make good all your lies
Move on and don't look behind
Day after day
Fickle visions
Messing with your head
Fickle, vicious
Sleeping in your bed
Messing with your head
Fickle visions
Fickle, vicious
download complete volume two Icons:
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