español >>Porque no quiero spamear a nadie, este post tendrán un drabble en español y un drabble en ingles ♥ Mismo tema, diferente texto. Ambos con Spoilers. Ultimamente estoy volviendo a escribir más ♥ Sorry por la falta de gráficos xD!
english >>Just because I don't want to spam you f-list, this post will have both a drabble in spanish and in english. ♥ same theme, different writing though. Both have spoilers. Lately I'm writing more ♥, sorry for not bringing more graphics lol!.
Fandom: Crepúsculo
Personajes: Bella Swan.
Advertencias: G // SPOILERS DE BREAKING DAWN (medianamente? xD)
Título: El pasar de los años
Palabras: 396.
Resumen: Cinco edades diferentes. Cinco momentos en la vida de Bella. (sin betear)
Tiene manos de siete años, ojos ansiosos y decorosos. La observan y le incomoda, no dice nada, calla y aguarda. La profesora insiste, presiona, y ella intenta. Un paso. Dos pasos. Al suelo. Se levanta tan rápido como le dan las piernas flacas. No hay llanto en sus ojos pero si rasguños en sus rodillas. Respira un poco enojada consigo misma. Piensa en su madre y lo intenta de nuevo. Pero aunque trate, con todas las fuerzas que le quedan, no alcanzaran para que dos días después deje de entrar por esa puerta.
A los diez años lo que menos quiere es estar en un bote, con dos adultos y un niño charlatán. El agua se cuela en el interior y aunque remanga sus piernas contra su pecho para evitarla, el daño está hecho y sus pies mojados.
"Toma," le sonríe el pequeño. La manta no le quita el frío, ni le alegra el alma. Aún así, se ve obligada a devolverle la sonrisa sincera y a escuchar sus palabras. Quizás para mañana ya no olvide su nombre.
A los catorce podría confundírsele con una adulta. Se levanta antes que sea el alba, prepara el desayuno y se sienta en la cocina con libro en mano y el corazón en calma. Sonríe divertida cuando Reneé baja y se sienta a su lado hablando, antes de siquiera poder verla, sobre la última aventura que está probando. Puede apostar, mientras empuja la taza de té hacia ella, que mañana ya habrá cambiado. Sabe que la línea entre madre e hija hace mucho se ha borrado.
Tiene diecisiete y el corazón atado. La decisión esta tomada y tiene el boleto de avión en su mano. Es ridículo el ardor que se acumula en su garganta. Tiene sus razones y las acepta. Es lo correcto. Deja toda su existencia finalmente atrás, lo que sea por hacer feliz a quien le otorgó la vida. Incluso si eso significa perder la suya propia.
Tiene años que ya no cuenta. Quizás si, quizás no tanto. Tiene una familia nueva y una vida que jamás ha soñado. Se acomoda en los brazos ya no tan fríos de su eterno compañero. Sonríe misteriosamente cuando él le cuestiona con la mirada. Aunque sabe que puede compartir sus pensamientos, prefiere guardar cada pequeño recuerdo como si fuera un sueño que jamás ha olvidado.
* ♥ *
Fandom: Twilight
Characters: Bella Swan.
Title: A path of eternity..
Rating: G
Word Count: 461 words
Summary: "She walked on unsteady grounds, kicking and failing, and pursuing. She pushed, lived and fought. She was no one to surrender.".
Notes: Post BD/in the middle of BD I guess. I specially think this one shows the way I see Bella, I hope it does really show lol. (un-betaed)
She walked a path nobody else had. She didn’t look back. Nobody ever expected her to.
It was no nice, but every sun had its price. She paid hers and almost died. She knew she wouldn’t though. She trusted everyone too much to believe so.
She went to hell and came back. She never said so aloud. It was the courage of a friend, of a lover, of a mom. She did everything because it was just right.
She walked on unsteady grounds, kicking and failing, and pursuing. She pushed, lived and fought. She was no one to surrender. Fate knew better.
First time. First comer. She thought she couldn’t do it. She was surprised she could. The jump, the run, the hunt, it tasted like life catching up with her.
Second time wasn’t so lucky. She tried to climb the rocky side of the hill. She thought she could. She stumbled her foot, trapped by her rush, and fell.
She got up, determined as only herself could be, and tried again.
She often found herself amused at the thought of forever. She looked at memories that wanted to fade, but wouldn’t, and smiled like if the world suddenly came to a stop.
She could remember each smile, each gap in history since pieces were brought together. She felt special, for once; she felt she could actually feel like that for the first time.
She was not doomed to forget, but kept to appreciate all the bad, all the effort, that had taken her so far.
And for so, she was grateful.
She hadn’t known much as a human. She hadn’t needed to know more than she did. As a vampire, she had the world at her hand. She still didn’t want it.
She could have perfection perhaps. She could be beautiful, unmerciful, and deadly lethal. She kept on choosing not to.
Not the time, not the events could erase her history. Even less her soul.
She stirred her hand to the sky, the wind caressing her skin. Eyes shut. She could hear the sounds of the rest inside, she could difference between every single voice, every single step.
She had never known them as she did now. She expected the infinity had to show her even more. She kneeled and smiled as her name came to her ears, it echoed in everybody’s voices. She didn’t want to make them wait.
After all, forever was made by those little single steps.
She was impure, hard as a rock and with red eyes now. She was all she ever wanted to be. And more she could have ever imagined.
Now there were whole eternities of mistakes to keep. She had lost her life, but never her humanity.
Comments are LOVE ♥