[RPF] R/K for Shel.

Aug 16, 2008 16:27

Fandom: RPF
Characters: Kristen/Robert.
Title: It's all about how good you act...
Rating: G
Word Count: 664 words
Summary: Based on Catherine's comment of Robert falling from bed while doing a kiss scene. This would take place after that, later @ night.
Notes: This is my first and last time writing RPF. So, if it sucks, at least, you won't see me doing it again. lol. It just feels a bit wrong for me to write this, but my mind isn't really original, and was the only present I could really think of. So, this goes to gorg Shel (morningglory___) who I hope will at least enjoy it a bit *winks* ♥
Also, this is unbetaed.

He passes. Two strokes and he is on the other side, and back to the start. Doubt. He shouldn't be here in the first place. He glances around, and peeks inside of the trailer. He shouldn't feel disappointed to see it empty. Anyway, he does. Two strokes more and he is almost gone.

"What are you doing?"

He turns around. Kristen is standing just on the opposite side of the trailer. She eyes him curiously and waiting. He can’t reprimand the smile that reaches his lips.

"Just passing by..." She raises an eyebrow, eyes sparkling under the night light. He can hear her saying 'Of course you are,' with that sarcastic tone of her. As always, he is simply dazzled by her presence. "Thought I’d say hi."

He has always been a good liar. Or good secret keeper to be more correct. He never expected to want to go against himself so much. He steps to be closer. She hasn’t changed that concerned look of her face. How could he tell her why he was really there when he thought he simply shouldn’t be?

For a minute he thinks of going closer. He needs to explain so much. Tell her he was acting, but who would believe him. People don’t fall from bed by acting. Kristen finally stares down, a nervous movement of her hands tells him she is getting uncomfortable. "Hi," is all she says.

"Hi," he answers back. They lock eyes again, and somehow he gets lost, purely, as he did early today, just before… He snaps. Seconds later he is two metres away. Kristen looks at him confused. Maybe hurt? He tries not to thing about that.

"I should go inside, Michael..." the name lingers in her lips. Sweet soft and intoxicating lips. The name sounds in his ears, he understands and smiles softly.

"Of course, have a good night, Kristen," words so difficult to pronounce and he finally knows he is going nuts.

"Good night to you too, Robert," she smiles then. One of those silly smiles she doesn't offer often and he wants to treasure in every piece of his memory. He swears he can hear her whisper a 'sorry,' but he promised a long time ago he wasn’t the naïve type.

He starts walking away and the sound of the door closing clicks inside him. He was never the coward type neither. Step. Step. And he is inside. Kristen looks surprised at him, but he doesn’t let her say a word, his lips are on hers faster than Edward Cullen could run. Sometimes it amuses him how much in the part he is into.

He grabs her back with a strong hand and brings her to him, lips collapsing, and tongues searching. He kisses as full as he could never do at the set, as he has wanted since that day at Catherine’s bed. His free hand strokes her cheek, the softness of her skin and the blushing he can almost imagine there. Even though Kristen never was one of the blushing ones. He only stops when they both start searching for air.

"Today," he pants, surprised by the intensity of his own emotions, "today was acting." Kristen is like stone, still in his arms, close, her forehead almost sitting on his own.

The vibration of a phone startles them, reluctantly he lets her go, only to hear her whisper 'Michael' guilty crushing her words. He nods, somehow wanting to push, some how feeling like if he has made a crime.

He wants to say good night, but somehow it doesn't feel appropriate anymore. He knows her night won't be as good as his. She stares at the cell phone, no action prone to be done. He leaves, hands in pockets, unable to keep them back to her body, and burning their lips together again. He welcomes the cold air as he steps outside, and knows that all he really wanted to say was 'I wasn’t acting now.'

!presents, character: real people, length: drabble, !english

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