(no subject)

Aug 10, 2006 20:43

My friends met my Girlfriend the other day...sort of. I don't think anyone really noticed her. That's ok, its hard to be a girl and get noticed around my friends unless you're as loud and outspoken as they are. While Samantha has a lot of that in her, she was particularly quiet Tuesday night. It wasn't the best setting for her anyways. Put her on a softball field, and you'll get the best impression of how she really is.

Speaking of Samantha, she spent the past two nights here. Tuesday because we had to get up early to go to Darien Lake abd her being here spared us the time it would take to pick her up, and the standard parental "when are you going to be back, do you have this, this, this, etc" routine. It probably saved us a half hour or more. Plus, we both sleep better when we're closer to each other, even if its not the same bed. If you were wondering, she sleeps in my sisters room upstairs (spare mattress on the floor) while I sleep in mine downstairs. My head-of-religious-education-mother wouldn't have it any other way.

Personally I do and don't understand this. Ok, the fear is that we're going to fool around/have sex (which we wouldn't do). If we can't sleep a bajillion miles away in my bed in the basement, I can deal with that. But sleeping in the same bed with someone you love, being there to kiss them goodnight, and waking up wrapped up in them is one of the greatest feelings. Hopefully when I'm a parent I don't forget that. Actually, daughter or son, I don't really care if they're having sex so long as I don't have to see it, and they're being smart (IE not doing it at a ridiculously young age, and using protection). I think I'll have the sex talk when they turn 13. This might be a tad late, but I don't think it would quite sink in if I did it earlier. I dunno, we'll find out.

Darien lake was pretty awesome. I went on roller coasters for the first time. (I'm a wimp...) I went on the Viper and the Mind Eraser. Both were cool, although the ME jarred my nuts a bit more than I'd like. Some of the water slides were closed for the season (boo) but we found enough to do regardless.

An interesting point is that Kingdom Bound was occurring at Darien Lake. From what I gethered, this is a sort of retreat for a Buffalo based Baptist church. So I was treated to a day of "Abortion is homicide," "Chastity is for Lovers," and "Abstinence Makes the Heart Grow Fonder," shirts. The liberal inside me stirred and kicked violently. Two of them talked to me, they were nice enough so I humored them. They gave me a pamphlet about 9-11, religion and the War on Terrorism. This struck me as odd. I didn't know we were fighting a war on terrorism. There is a war in Iraq, but CIA intelligence suggests that this actually has nothing to do with terrorism. Interesting... The chastity is for lovers shirt I didn't get. Ok, churches want to push waiting until marriage to have sex, that's cool (although I don't fully agree). It's an understandable moral position. But chastity is the complete absence of sexual activity. This supresses a basic human instinct, to reproduce. That I don't get. (Obviously I'm assuming the former is what was meant). Perhaps it was a wannabe preacher (I'm not sure what (or who) Baptist preachers are allowed to do).

In summation, Darien Lake was fun, and the Church people creeped me out.
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