Happy Ending?!

May 30, 2012 22:27

Obsidius is in customs

Sadly not much time again, but I still wants to let the people, who're interested, knowing that my Obsidius has finally arrived in our German customs now and believe me I never was THAT happy to know a Doll in customs. There were so many issues while his shipping, so that I'm really a lot happy to know him finally there, what means he will also be home very soon. Sadly I will be on a holiday starting from this Friday for one week, so I won't be able to free him out before it. But it will be possible to manage it while my holiday, so he will possibly finally has arrived at home then, when I'm back. So please wish me luck. ;_;

And on a sidenote, there are some more Dollie News around besides of Obsidius, which will happen these days or even already had happened:

- got the Soom Topaz Fairy Ears for Hesperia, my ordered Iplehouse nYID Emilia <3
- second row for Emilia will be done soon, so the last one will be in July *____*
- decided to order the new Soom Kids Goss and Thera, both in a Full Set

You can call me insane, but yes, Goss and Thera really got me and I so want them as a Full Set. I simply adore their Face ups and Blushings as also the clothes and stuff, so beautiful. And they totally fit into two of my characters of the Four Cardinal Directions. I have characters, which act them and the Soom Kids will become North and South. <333 It will end up as the most expensive order I've ever done so far, that's for sure and it will be a looooooong layaway, of course, but still .... it's worth it. :D

And there had also something happened what I've never thought it ever would:

I'm in love with a Doll of the company Dream of Doll! O_O

I never was a fan of DOD, I usually absolutely didn't like their Dolls. But I had watched out for the second MSD girl for realizing my characters for East and West (an Iplehouse JID Tania in Peach Gold Skin will already becoming one of them) and I absolutely wanted a girl in Tan Skin ... and then I had found the DoD girl Lapin, which was limited. I so felt in love with her Tan Skin and that cute face. And I even think that she's kinda different a little to other Dolls from DoD, she doesn't really has that look, which is typical for that company. Maybe it's even mostly that point and reason, why I like her that much. O_O But well, I've found one on the Den of Angels Marketplace, which even would be payable very well and the seller is from Europe, too. Well ... let's see what my money's talking about these days, I guess. ^____^

Aaaw and there's the "Japantag" (Japan Day in English) on the upcoming weekend, which is a small Convention in Germany and I'm going to see some of my friends there again. Also I will finally be able to wear Lolita Fashion again after a very long time being abstinent. Can't wait for it! <333 *jumpz*

Lovely Greetings Kasumi
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