:: links. story summaries. x-men. ryro.
:: includes the question trilogy & its sequels which are at the moment mostly (or only, that is) written for
the question · 015 question · pg-13
summary: "Mom? Why did Dad leave?"
not done yet · 020 writer's choice · pg-13
summary: "No," you say and take a step closer to him, hands on your hips, "you don't get to break into my house and tell me to shut up."
the kill · 025 unaffected · R-ish
summary: Whereas a moment ago you were only fantasizing about smashing the phone against his nose, now you actually act on it...
status: 3/3
sorry go 'round · 026 trauma · R
summary: "Look, Rogue, let me be honest with you," the woman speaks bluntly and Shelby can only barely swallow the pained sound, a yelp, trying to climb up her throat, "First of all, have you never ever wondered what the letter M stands for?"
welcome home · 035 lithium · pg-13
summary: She gathers all her strength into a one neat push and manages to make him budge. The arm loosens, a little, and she can once again draw air into her lungs and ask, defying, "You'd rather she die as a mutant than live as a human?"
winter in my heart · 048 december · pg-13
summary: It's almost dark already, cold, and he figures that's why she's wearing one of his jackets - not that she'd need it, if she actually knew how to control her power better. She's so small, though, so fucking tiny, that it's really more like the jacket is wearing her; she is drowning in it, he notes, and somewhere deep inside him something stirs.
somnolence (it’s all about banked embers) · 032 doll · pg
summary: It also worries him, a little, because there’s always been only one thing in the whole world that has ever managed to calm his nerves like nothing else - and it has always, always been fire. Just fire. Up until now, it would seem.
fuel for the fire · 005 redeemer · R (maybe, slightly?)
summary: “I really appreciate what you’ve done for us, sort of, even though I honestly don’t understand why you’ve done any of it, but - but this is not the kind of life I want for my daughter.”
status: 5/5
summary: -
status: 0/0