Oh Mark

Feb 03, 2006 17:17

LockMM: when are you coming?
xforgotenxonex: too sick
LockMM: i hate you
xforgotenxonex: and no money
LockMM: must i come nurse you to health?
xforgotenxonex: :'shrugs':
xforgotenxonex: if you want?
LockMM: blah
xforgotenxonex: god, i wanted to kill myself yesterday
LockMM: y?
xforgotenxonex: i was so sick that i wanted to die
xforgotenxonex: it sucked
xforgotenxonex: my father gave me the plague
xforgotenxonex: but today i seem a little better
LockMM: lol, plague
LockMM: you suck
LockMM: here, have some soup
xforgotenxonex: i had soup yesterday
LockMM: your mom had soup
xforgotenxonex: she sure did
xforgotenxonex: vibrator soup
xforgotenxonex: hah!
LockMM: lol
xforgotenxonex: yah, thats right, you laff at that like you like it!
LockMM: i hate you so much
xforgotenxonex: me too =(
LockMM: :'(
xforgotenxonex: yay!
LockMM: ;-)
LockMM: :-P
LockMM: =-O
LockMM: 8-)
xforgotenxonex: FACE!
LockMM: =-O
LockMM: i'm scared
xforgotenxonex: why?
xforgotenxonex: you take it!
xforgotenxonex: ooooo
LockMM: =-O
xforgotenxonex: thats my oh face
xforgotenxonex: you ooh!
xforgotenxonex: oooh!
xforgotenxonex: ooooooh!
LockMM: yea
LockMM: i bored now
xforgotenxonex: awww
xforgotenxonex: michelle bored?
LockMM: yea
xforgotenxonex: here, i'll give you a cucumber
xforgotenxonex: see, no more bordom!
LockMM: i hate you so much
LockMM: i dont want your swriled old cucumber!
xforgotenxonex: its a fresh one cucmber
xforgotenxonex: but it'd be considered a pickle after your done with it :'nods nods':
LockMM: i hate you so much
xforgotenxonex: haha!
xforgotenxonex: sooo funny!
LockMM: please die now
LockMM: take half the world with you
xforgotenxonex: if only that worked
LockMM: like the last plague
xforgotenxonex: yay!
xforgotenxonex: bubonic!
xforgotenxonex: yo
xforgotenxonex: kicking it old school
LockMM: death-tratuarl
LockMM: the formal is now May 31st
xforgotenxonex: eh?
LockMM: March 31st
LockMM: i mean
LockMM: my dance you ass!
xforgotenxonex: yah, but the eh? was dirested to the deat thingie
xforgotenxonex: and why then?
LockMM: cause it is!
LockMM: we're allowed to change dates
LockMM: so much hatered! :shakes fist:
xforgotenxonex: no huh!
xforgotenxonex: hatered?
xforgotenxonex: hatred makes since!
LockMM: you make cents
LockMM: with your ass!
xforgotenxonex: ....
xforgotenxonex: i don't get it
xforgotenxonex: aren't you supposed to be an english major?
LockMM: and you need did
xforgotenxonex: ...
LockMM: im suppose to be many things
xforgotenxonex: need did?
LockMM: hahaha
LockMM: i ruined michelles rep
LockMM: cause i hate her so much
LockMM: you suck!
xforgotenxonex: i am so confused
LockMM: your mom's confused
xforgotenxonex: i'm like a japanese schoolgirl whose not in a hentai film
LockMM: youre like a girl for other reasons
xforgotenxonex: my mom is confused...
xforgotenxonex: they took out her uterus and pop, there went her head
xforgotenxonex: i'm a girl!
xforgotenxonex: my dream come true!
xforgotenxonex: now i can go play with myself!
LockMM: :plays with your boobies:
LockMM: god, i hate you
LockMM: taking away my thoughts!
xforgotenxonex: i'm still confused
xforgotenxonex: and hungry
LockMM: then eat yourself
xforgotenxonex: i'm allergic to myself =(
xforgotenxonex: i hate you:-)
LockMM: thats not funny
LockMM: i am allergic to myself
LockMM: ass
LockMM: and now its making my skin fall off
xforgotenxonex: awww
xforgotenxonex: andthats why god hates you!
xforgotenxonex: you bore me!
LockMM: god loves me
LockMM: you are a boar
xforgotenxonex: i spell differently !
LockMM: der, i made a pun!
xforgotenxonex: i am glad you didn't bore me
xforgotenxonex: then you'd be my mother
xforgotenxonex: ewwww
LockMM: i gave birth to my husband?
xforgotenxonex: uuuuum
xforgotenxonex: thats incest
xforgotenxonex: and i will never marry thee!
LockMM: I hope you wont marry thee, for you are marrying me!
LockMM: i rhymed
xforgotenxonex: cut print gay!
LockMM: why do you hate yourself?
xforgotenxonex: i don't
LockMM: then dont call yourself gay
LockMM: fag
xforgotenxonex: i didn't, i called that rhyme gay
xforgotenxonex: gayey mc gay gay
xforgotenxonex: =p
LockMM: i hate you
xforgotenxonex: yay!
xforgotenxonex: more hate!
xforgotenxonex: it feeds me!
xforgotenxonex: it is neat!
LockMM: you suck
xforgotenxonex: i don't suck =(
LockMM: you suck me off
LockMM: o baby o baby o!
LockMM: ah, blinded!
xforgotenxonex: haha take that!
LockMM: you take it!
xforgotenxonex: my blinding fat whiteness, in your face!
LockMM: in the ass!
xforgotenxonex: nice
LockMM: thank you
xforgotenxonex: you suck!
xforgotenxonex: thate that!
LockMM: uh?
LockMM: what?
xforgotenxonex: ihave commandeered your insult and used it against you!
xforgotenxonex: take that!
LockMM: sure
LockMM: i hate you
xforgotenxonex: mwah!
xforgotenxonex is idle at 5:16:23 PM.
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