I am... undecided.

Sep 24, 2010 22:28


It was awesome to see Dean tonight. Anybody hear from Sam?...? No? No, I saw the guy that looked like Sam and sounded like Sam, but...

"It was good to see you, Dean." ? Really?

Okay, if this turns out to be a something's-up-with-Sam story line, I can let that ride for a while.

If this is supposed to be the Sam we have now? Looks like I'll be phonin' it in and living in fanfic for the duration like I did for the last two seasons of SG-1.

Still love the guys, not gonna be able to stop watching (like my sister is seriously considering), but it'll just be to get whatever Dean and Sam screen time I can. My real squee will be whatever I find in fandom.

A couple of things pleased me, and I'll spell them all out in the next post. Right now... I'm just sort of letting things gel. And crossing my fingers.

Please don't let us down, Sera Gamble. You're our only hope.

dean winchester, sam winchester, life is hard

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