I love this episode, too! So much excitement and - yes indeed! - drama!
One of my favorite things was the emphasis that Yaya put on the performance aspect of their competition entry. I love the idea of a big reveal for Riddle’s Alice/Meat dress. Watching Yaya move in their skit rehearsal really demonstrated her dedication to the theatrics of a skit like this.
I’ve really been enjoying this aspect of cosplay coming out. When I started, the first skit I did in 1999 was literally a bunch of people I’d met at the con that day in Sailormoon costumes and we were making it up as we were in line for the contest. I’m so delighted in the change to these well-written and planned out skits with music, voice, even special effects! That’s so exciting, and really just adds to much to what cosplay already is.
Everyone also really seemed to be pulling out all the stops and trying something new. Building props with friends is some of the best cosplay-time I can remember, and I feel like Jessica, Holly & Rebecca really represented that.
One of my own proudest moments in cosplay was made possible only by the huge effort of my friends Jake & Tom who built
Nausicaa’s mehve glider for me.
Seeing Chloe & Jesse find success with their costuming was heartwarming. Jesse, who had worked so hard, put so much expertise and effort into his truly professional-level costume, was really gratified by his award - a position I really understand. Though we persevere despite a lack of recognition or praise, there is a great feeling that comes from the accomplishment of getting an award. We can know we’re good, but outside recognition means something different. Maybe not better, but different.
Also hello Jessica & Holly as Riker and Picard, I mean come on. It doesn’t get any better than that.