OKAY SO. I am putting up one of these just in case <3 In Kairi's canon, she is a Princess of Heart, and thus is known to have a pure heart, completely devoid of darkness. This clarity can sometimes help her gain insight to other people
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1) Can Kairi sense how your character is feeling? If so, what exactly can she sense about your character, within their heart?
Humhum, well from a more permanent perspective, she's probably going to feel a lot of pain and vulnerability from Neku, as well as a need to be aloof whilst also needing to have others around him. The inevitable conflicting emotions of a teenager.
She'll probably also feel a lot of determination, a huge sense of protectiveness towards those he loves, and a willingness to put himself in awkward/dangerous situations due to this.
2) Can Kairi tell if your character is inherently good or evil? If so, which is it?
Inherently; a really really good person. He'd put his life on the line for just about anyone and everyone in Vat, whether he knows them or not. (...even Enjin)
3) Is there anything wrong/unique/interesting about your character's memories, and if so, can she sense this?
-He's died. Twice.
-His memories have been taken away/ given back/ screwed around with a hellovalot.
-Debatably within the fandom, many people think he has a photographic memory. At the least, his memory is very, very good.
4) How sensitive is she to these things? Would you like this to change over time?
If they actually get to know each other, you can make it as strong as you want 83 Probably not as detailed if they're merely cordial, but there's some really big elements to Neku she'd probably immediately pick up on.
Any other questions/comments? Herp derp let me know if you need more.
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