As a priority, I want him to be overly nice to every woman he passes. Like overly, borderline fake, trying to get an talk show on WE TV nice. They will say he's fake and they don't believe him. That's fine, he just cheated on his wife with the equivalent of a small village, you're not gonna believe him anyway heffer. But I'm talkin about holding the door for all the woman journalists when he finishes the press conferences, signing autographs with "Best Wishes and...I'm sorry" to every woman that asks for one and having his security detail hand out roses to every woman in the traveling gallery. I figure, that's the least he could do until Elin Woods feels comfortable enough to come back to the public eye.
With that being said, I'd kind of like Woods to be a dick to all the men (well except to his father's voice during a Nike commercial that I like by the way:
Click to view
Sure, its misappropriation of his father's voice and intent, but do we really think Mr. Woods would be singing a different tune than this right now).
If we're creating personas to rehabilitate his image, then why not go the other way. Be the villain these cats have been trying to make you for years. When he was rocking the goatee, I thought it might be the start of something beautiful. I half expected him to start smoking a cigar during the press conference while dropping unnecessary F-Bombs ("You asked if I miss my wife and kids Jim. Fuck yeah, I do, better that sittin here talking to muthafuckas like you all day"). I really feel like we had some Hollywood Hulk Hogan potential here:
Then Woods cut the goatee off and started smiling and shit, so I knew all hope was lost for that. Oh well, I aim high for people sometimes. I am the same guy that wanted Obama to grow a mini afro before they took his presidential photo after inauguration. I didn't even want it Assata big or with a pick or anything either. Just a little something, in memorial of Bernie Mac type fro. Oh well.