Jan 16, 2005 17:17
I know it has been a while since I have updated my journal. Shame on me.
However, I have been keeping up with reading everyone elses updates, so I am not too incredibly naughty.
First of all, hubby and I TTC this month. I have been on prenatal vitamins and low-dose aspirin for some time now. You would not believe how healthy my diet is now. I am becomming on of those text book nutrition nuts...almost. There are some things I could never entirely give up. I have smoke-free since the beginning of December and I am loving it. I have never felt so healthy in all my life.
Now I am 9 DPO and am having mild AF-like symptoms, along with the pulling and stretching just above my pubic bone. I will know either way this week, so I am so very excited!!
On another note, while I was making lunch today, my son( will be 5 in two weeks) proceeded to climb up onto a nearby chair in the kitchen, place his hand over his heart, and say the pledge of alliegence. I didn't know he could say that! He has been showing off by singing his ABCs in perfect pitch, along with many other songs and short poems that he has learned in preschool and at home. But this was a new one that caught me totally offgaurd. How incredibly cute is it to hear a 4 year old say that, while replacing the word "indivisible" with "invisible", I ask you...
That is what I thought. It is good that we are all in agreement :) Children can be the most annoying, snotty, stinky,gross, loud,nerve wracking, yet completely adorable, precious, cuddely, and utterly hilarious little nut jobs! And I thank god every second for them.
My 6th wedding anniversary is today. We havn't done anything out of the ordinary. In fact, hubby had to work today. We had a delicious lunch, if I do say so myself, watched the movie 'Shaun of the Dead' and got some really good cuddle time in before he had to leave. I hope that I will have a positive pregnancy test this week, as that will be our anniversary gift to each other.