I Promise this is a real update :)

Jan 17, 2008 00:59

I know im a horrible LJ friend I was suppose to update like weeks ago or something I'm horribly sorry!! But I am here now! It's 1AM, I have no kid pulling at me or phone ringing to distract me lol. This is going to be a long one, and I will try to spare so much detail... but here it goes...

August - I'll start here since that's when I semi left off and anything interesting happened in my life I guess. It was summer and since Justin's birthday was coming up in Sept. we decided that we would go to Hershey Park. We spent I dunno $40 a piece to get into the park. It was OVERALLY crowded and hot as hell that day. We waited in line for over an hour to get on one rollercoaster. Inbetween walking forever to get to a ride, I had to keep stopping for something to drink or eat cause I just felt like I was starving. So in the total of the 4 hrs that we where there, we road I think 3 rides? While we where waiting in line for one of the rides, I ended up blacking out and Justin had to drag my ass out of line - how he did it I don't know??? Once I came through I sat down on a bench while Justin got me some gatorade. It was really weird - so I ate, and drank some gatorade and bought some hot sunglasses to keep the heat off my face, to see if it would help, and then we decided to go to the water park because maybe I needed to cool off, but THAT WAS A JOKE. It was a 3HR WAIT to get on ANY ride in the water park and probley a 4HR wait to get on a ride in just the reg park. We said fuck it, left, and we drove to Dorney Park - and we where able to ride everything that we wanted to ride in 4 hrs that we spent there - and after twilight it's 10X cheaper and we had a great time lol. Ever since then though, I've been having bad fainting spells, or feeling really dizzy when standing up and all of that. I went to the dr's to figure out what it was they still don't know........ it's a mystery.September Sept 3rd was Justin's 27th birthday. Our friend Cole from Missouri flew up and spent a few days here. What a joke that was as well. The whole time he was here all he did was talk crap about Justin's family, and talk crap about Justin. Otherwords he was trying to stir some shit up so that way I would talk about Justin's family, so he could go home and tell them. He was trying to convince me how I needed to leave Justin, what Justin's family thought about me, and how Justin has been lying to me since our relationship has begun. So after all of THAT!...lol. We where actually set to move into our apartment um... September like 20th or so? The weekend before we where to move I sat "hey lets go look at the apartment" because the apartment we looked at wasnt the apartment we where getting but she said they are all the same. Well let me tell you... the apartment that was suppose to be "ours" was 10 times smaller then the apartment we looked at originally and it was I think $770 a month. So we didn't "cancel" but as soon as we left I told Justin we are looking for a new place.. cause I wasn't about to pay that much for rent for some small as shitty apartment. We looked at apartments like CRAZY for that whole week, and by God's hand we finally found this townhouse that was for Rent for $750 in Pottstown. blah blah blah... we ended up moving here... :D I love it! I've always wanted a townhouse and now we finally have one. I will have to take pictures and show you all. :)October - October we found out that Aidan has very low iron - and he was like %2 away from getting a blood transfusion. So he now has to take iron medicine, and be "forced" pretty much to eat iron rich foods. That's about all that happened in October nothing exciting. Oh wait. I did have a job for like 2 weeks. I worked at the new Outback they opened up... but I had to quit working there because my mom didn't want to watch Aidan for me anymore (mind u I went to work from 4-10 justin got home at 6 so she watched him for like 2 hrs).  I didnt have the internet so I decided I'd pick up a book - and I came across this book called TWILIGHT by Stephene Meyer (also NEW MOON AND ECLIPSE) and OMG....... I am obsessed with this series I LOVE LOVE LOVE IT!!!!  They are coming out with the movie and when I read these books I couldn't put them down...and I was like OH "i want to be bella" lmao I was "in love w/ Edward" im such a nerd lmao - I got so caught up in the book - that shows I have no life lmao.  Neway I think I finished the last book in like a day 1/2 - the 4th book is coming out in August I can't wait and th emovie in December.  I HIGHLY recommend this book if u like romance/vampires.  Or just want to read it period... :DNovember - Happy Birthday Aidan!!! :) He turned 2 yrs old! I was pissed because he was suppose to have a Thomas themed birthday cake and when I picked it up it was a white frosting that said "bust my buffers aidans 2 today!" w/ some weird ballons and confetti on it that I could have made myself. I bitched out management and I got my cake for free and UGH that cake was nasty as hell, I was mad cause i couldve made cupcakes - now i know better for next year. So, his party was great other words. I do have pics - I will have to load them another time unless you check out my myspace page www.myspace.com/charmedjassaDecember - Went to Missouri for about 5 days, we drove there... 14hr drive... good lord, remind me to never do that again it took me LITERALLY till the day before we where leaving to recover from the drive lmao. The trip went.................................... ok. Ha. Neway. :) Christmas was great, Aidan actually opened up all of his presents. Got pics of that too.


So, as of right now I guess that's everything.

Justin has a open mic night show he is going to on Feb 7th. I made my own modeling site on myspace. www.myspace.com/twilighttemptressez. We filed for income tax today. OH I forgot to mention...... my dad lost his job in November and just got a job in the begining of Jan - and my mom has been bugging us for money - like we have a hidden stash of it somewhere??

But neway things for us are going fairly well I guess you could say. I can't complain really.

Sorry it has taken me forever to update, I probley forgot something really important but it's late and i tried to remember what I could without boring you to death.. :D

Well - take care i'll be around.


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