Imma go work the streets...okay not literally but i feel i need to...

Jun 21, 2007 15:56

Okay so first - my friend is on her way to Texas today to meet this guy that she has been talking to over the phone/net for the past few months.  It made me all giddy inside and excited because it made me remember the first time I went out to see Justin in Missouri, and she was pretty much the same way I was but at least she was able to talk to someone before she got on theplane - I however had to sit by myself nervously!!! lmao

I dunno, it must be my hormones, it just made me so excited for her, to know she is happy, and if she will experience the feeling I felt when I met Justin, I dunno, I can't wait to hear her story and what not and to see if she is/had a good time *i dunno when she'll call me?*

But like I said, it just made me think of the first time Justin and I met. :)
Sometimes, I wish I could go back to those days, just for that EXCITEMENT and feeling I would get before going to see even if it was like the 3rd time seeing him.

on that semi happy note...

Things have been really rough here lately.  Money wise that is.  They fired me from my job and I haven't been able to find another one since then.  We owe our cable bill, so they are going to shut that off by July 1st so you wont be seeing me update anymore, for a very very long time.  We owe our electric bill...yeah... can't pay that I wonder what it'll be like sitting in an apartment w/ no electricity?  I know u are thinking I am lieing but I am not.  We owe our rent which is 675, n a car payment *which we have to pay or they shut the car off* and that's another 161 - and that's our paycheck right there.  We still owe our cable bill, electric AND insurance all at the begining of the month and there is NO WAY we can pay it.  I'm so desperate, I ALMOST filled out an application to go work at the stripclub down the street... :\  But then I thought about it, and they wouldn't want my saggy skin ass I applied to be a cocktail waitress.  Anything, anywhere is where I applied.  Still no calls.  I'm going to call a few places tomorrow though.  Oh, I applied at Adult world - they got all of their hiring done, but they told me to call back in a week so see if nething opened up *if anyone quit* but i needed a job like this week, to get a paycheck by the first week of July to pay our bills and now, I dont know what to do.  I'm so stressed out, and I can't sleep at night, I'm crying constantly, because I'm trying so hard to be/stay strong for Aidan and Justin but on the inside I feel like I need to go be a hoe on the street to make some money, sell some drugs or something because we can't even afford diapers and milk for Aidan.

Sorry for all of my complaining... I just needed to... "talk to something" i guess u can say?
Besides all of my drama, I've lost a hella lot of inches off of my body, a total of 20" lost off my waist... went to the gastric bypass dr today for my 9 month follow up. I'm doing good, all my blood work came back normal/great, i've lost a TON of inches, and a TON of weight - 105LBS by their scale - which is still hella good!  They said  i can go by my scale though because I weighed 218 on theirs, but then they subtract the clothes, and if u ate and what not so about 215 on their scale.

Well, i gotta go wake aidan up from his nap and go pick up Justin from work... and time for a nervous breakdown i swear...
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