Home from the Hospital...

Jun 14, 2007 14:44

*copied from my Myspace blog*

Okay, sorry that I haven't been online.

But as some of you may know I have been in the hospital with Aidan.  We where in there from Sunday afternoon till Wednesday late afternoon.

i know everyone is wondering whats been going on.

Well Saturday night Aidan had what i called them a "cough attack" so bad to the point where he pukes from coughing SO much.  Sunday came and we decided that we where going to take him to childrens hospital, because SOMETHING was seriously wrong with him and everyone kept telling us that he was fine, or had caught another virual infection.

We got to Childrens Hospital of Pa, checked in and waited and what not.

So we had to tell the er Doctor the whole story on aidans illness for the past 6 weeks now, and it was a pretty big timeline on what has happened this past month and so forth.

Right away when they checked his lungs they could hear wheezing.  But two days ago his Primary dr said that he was PERFECTLY FINE.

The dr ordered a Chest Xray and they started him on breathing treatments to help open up his lungs.  When the chest xray results came back, they found pnemonia on the left side behind his heart.  It was a small case of it, but it was still there.  They where saying he had an agressive airway - wheezing - because they didnt want to clinically diagnose him w/ asthema YET.

They also had to figure out what was going on with the "does he have kawaski disease, or does he not have kawaski disease"

They admitted us into the hospital, and we stayed the night.  They did breathing treatments on him every 2hrs throughout the night.  The next morning, the Dr came in to talk to us, then we had to RETELL the 6 week illness story again because this is a different Dr then from the one he saw first.  They ordered an echo to be done and they did blood work, and an virus scan of different virus from his mucus. *which by the way, was awful to see them stick a tube down his nose*

The results from the Echo show that he has a heart murmer and a leak in his valve which they aren't sure if it's caused by kawaski or not.  But that's what the results show.

They made us stay the night again Monday night - because they wanted to make sure that he didn't get any more fevers back.

Tuesday the infecious disease team came and talked to me.  So I had to explain to them Aidans illness on what has been going on again for the past 6 weeks, so they can get a timeline of what happened, and what not.  They where so confused on what was going on, that they had to call a special disease specialist in Chicago because they didn't know what to do about his situation and if he has kawaski or not?

They kept us again through Tuesday night, they where giving Aidan breathing treatments every 4 hours, and he had started on baby aspirin for his heart, and a steroid which makes him shake really bad.  By this time I was having a nervous breakdown.  I cried for hours.  I was so stressed out.  I was so tired.  I was so worried on what was wrong with my son and they couldn't find an answer.  They ended up putting these Twins in the same room with us and they did nothing but SCREAM AND CRY *LITERALLY* all day and night so it kept both Aidan and I awake - and me no sleep and aidan cranky just doesnt go well together....

Wednesday afternoon the Dr came and talked to me.  The infectious disease team and the specialist in Chicago all say that Aidan HAS kawaski disease, and he SHOULD HAVE been treated WEEKS ago when they first diagnosed him with it because now his illness has gone on longer then it should have and it could cause some serious effects to him and his heart.

Ruled everything out went through our story, everything explained - all of the symptoms after EVERYTHING we had to go through....

He has Kawaski Disease.  He will now have to be treated with a Baby Aspirin 1 a day, to help protect his heart from the disease...

He had pnemonia which they where able to break.

He has asthma - I have to give him breathing treatments every 4 hrs, and he has a prevential(sp?) steriod he is on as well to help treat it.

I'm sorry this all isnt in more DETAIL-I am jut trying to explain it in a short and simple way the best that I can.

So like I've been saying, there was something wrong with Aidan and Justin and I knew it.  The other hospitals misdiagnosed him, and then when Dupont DID diagnose him with Kawaski, they didn't even TREAT him for it, and they should have in the first place, and now my son has had to suffer longer then needed.

I am just glad to finally be home, and can start taking care of Aidan and be treated the way he needs to be to get better and be healthier.  Thank you so much to everyone who has emailed me and called me.  Your prayers have pulled Aidan through this, and he truely is a strong kid and as a mother I can't be more proud.  He still has a long journey ahead of him with this, and hopefully no more complications.  We have alot of follow up appointments and things of that nature, and as always I will keep you all posted on how his progress is going.
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