Took Aidan to the ER again last night...

Jun 03, 2007 21:26

Copied from my myspace blog..

So if u've been keeping track of my blog and what not, you all know that about 3 weeks ago, I had Aidan in the hospital due to his high fever of 105.5 and everything else that was going wrong with him.

Well, they told us that if any of his symptoms where to show up again within' the next month and what not to bring him back in.  Well since we got home from the hospital, it has been impossible for us to get him to eat anything besides, hot dogs, veggies, and pretzels.  He's keeping liquid down fine, but now his Iron is low because he isnt getting enough meat.

Last Saturday we took him to see his family doctor because he had a low grade fever of like 102.1 and his hands and feet where peeling (part of the kawasaki) and he had this horrible phleum type cough in which would cause him to choke and almost stop breathing and sometimes turn blue/purpleish.

Yesterday afternoon he seemed real fussy, but we figured he's been fussy all week, he has a tooth coming in, and we figured that was the problem.

Well he layed down for a nap, and during his nap he was whining alot, and he just didn't seem to be sleeping very well.  When he woke up from his nap his skin I swear was on FIRE and he was very lethargic, and just not himself.  So we waited an hour after he woke up to get his temp, and it was 104.5!!!  He was having a very hard time breathing, and was breathing rather fast. (mind you, earlier that day, I was looking at stuff online and It hought to myself he might have pnemunia-keep in mind for later)


We called the oncall doctor at his family practice, and they advised us to go to DuPont where he was treated before w/ his kawasaki and to make sure that this isnt it.

So we had to rush down there around 8PM and I swear to you, I just thought he was going to die in the car.  The way he was breathing and so lethargic just really scared me.

We finally got to the hospital, and we got there around 9PM, but we weren't seen untill 11PM.  His fever went down to like 102.1 - and I don't even think they got a correct temp because it was some weird thing that they run over the forhead and behind the ear??? It's weird lol.

We where seen by the doctor, they wanted to run a chest XRAY to see if he has pnemunia because of the cough, and they had to rerun his blood work because they said "they couldn't find his previous charts" WTF?  He was just there 3 weeks ago and u can't find his chart???

They ran the bloodwork, did an IV incase type of thing, we sat around for I think 6 hours or more waiting for them to come back and tell us that there was NOTHING wrong with him.  His blood count for his Cedrite(sp?) which is something they run for the Kawaskai and if it is above 3 - they determine that is what you have, and when he was there the first time it was 3.9 and this time, they said that it was alittle high, but didn't tell us the except number.

So yeah.. NOTHING is wrong with my son.  Yet, as of an hour ago, his fever is 103.5 and i've been giving him medicine, and he still has this horrible horrible cough which no one can explain, his hands and feet are peeling, he's having trouble breathing and he's still very lethargic.  I swear he's been sleeping ALL DAY.

We didn't get home from the hospital till 5AM, so I know it was a very long night/morning for all of us.

I just don't know what to do for him, clearly there is something wrong with him, but yet they are telling us he is fine.  Even if he has the FLU they aren't even saying he has the flu is that is all it is?!?  What kind of shit is this.  Do I have to take my child to JAPAN to get the treatment he needs? (not that i would take him to japan lol just first place i thought of ).

Needless to say, I'm very stressed out and we don't know what we should do for him, I fear that it'll continue to get worse and we are doing nothing but sitting here and letting it happen because no one will help us...

Prayers and love needed...


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