May 26, 2007 00:33
i'm so pissed and beyond words right now.
Justin and I had a nice evening planned.
Dinner and a movie.
We pre bought our tickets online to go see Pirates 3 at the 11 o'clock show.
We had a nice dinner.
Aidan was at my mom's for the night.
So it all started around 6PM when my mom called me yelling at me because I didn't leave Aidan a nu nu and he was crying for one. So she was like "your going to have to come and get him, because im not dealing w/ this all night..." so i told her to go to the CVS and get him one and i'll pay her back tomorrow.
So then around 7:30-8PM she calls AGAIN.
"Did u know that his hands and feet are peeling really bad, and that is a sign of the kawosaki disease!!!"
So we argued about that and how she thinks he's still sick, but there isn't anything I can do for him untill tomorrow morning and call his DR for an emergency visit, because i'm not taking him to the local hospitals.
Then Justin and I ate dinner, we relaxed, talked, relaxed some more then we got ready for our movie and left around 10PM.
Got to the theater, got our tickets, got some popcorn and a drink.
We where waiting for the theatre to open because they where cleaning it out, and my phone starts vibrating. all I could think of was OMG....shit... because I knew NO ONE else was calling me these late.
So I ignored the phone call and figured if it was a DIE OR NEED EMERGENCY she would leave a message.
So she calls me back AGAIN.
SO i had to answer it.
She proceeded to yell at me and tell me that I had to come and get aidan right away because he is doing nothing but screaming and crying and there is nothing she can do to calm him down... blah blah blah. So - Justin and I had to leave. Didn't see our movie, paid for all of this shit for nothing - at least we got our money back for the tickets.
When we got there he was sitting there watching the Goodnight Show, seemed perfectly fine to me... but whatever. o_o I packed his shit up and left.
IT just kills me that she will take care of my brothers kid 24/7 (Oh BTW Ahmiya is now living w/ my mom since her REAL mother is now locked up in jail as well)
Anyway - So she'll take care of my brother's daughter 24/7 but when Justin and I want ONE night alone, she has to make up an excuse on WHY WE HAVE TO COME GET HIM RIGHT AWAY!!! The last night we went out was April like 20th - and we had to leave and pick him up at 12AM because she demanded that we come get him because he was screaming and crying all night.
I just don't know.
Justin and I NEED our time alone, we need to go out at LEAST once a month... I mean, come on. This just really sucks... really... really sucks right now..
I'm off to bed...