scene 12: filtered

Jan 12, 2008 10:22

I can’t believe this is happening.

He’ll expect me to be there. Expect. Because I obviously have nothing better to do with my Sunday afternoons - and when is tea ever served at noon, anyway? It’s supposed to be at four or six. But of course, those rules don’t apply; and in case I haven’t noticed, he’ll rewrite them however he sees fit, won’t he?

Rude, arrogant, conceited…!

Oh, I’ll have tea ready by noon tomorrow.

And it will be perfect.

((OOC: The filter includes everyone she’s spoken to here. Its only real purpose is to keep out inexorable Goblin Kings who invite themselves to tea.))

well that's unfortunate, it's not fair!, his (insufferable) majesty, careful what you wish for

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