(no subject)

May 09, 2009 22:02

So yeah... Rachael and smoemeth are currently in Cleveland with my family, at a lesbian sports bar. That's not weird or anything. ;)

Currently texting with my sister trying to get her to tell Rachael she likes the way her hair is styled lmao. Oh damn she just told me her fav show is Regis & Kelly and wants to go when she and my mom visit in July. wow. epic conventionalism... lol. but that's ok i can look into it. I can appreciate her epic conventionalism and suburban conformity. lol.

And I realized I haven't posted the latest videos I've made for work. Here ya go.

Vlog 3:

image Click to view

Vlog 3 Outtakes:

image Click to view

Vlog 4:

image Click to view

Just watched about the last hour of the Lexington High School play "The Needle That Sings In Her Heart" which they wrote, produced, and performed all themselves with the help and guidance and participation of Amanda Palmer of The Dresden Dolls. It was really good. It was based on "The Aeroplane Over The Sea" by Neutral Milk Hotel. It was incredibly inspirational... and I'm already working on a project. I hope to recruit some people to help me make it a reality once I have the bones laid out. ...That is if I can stop being a depressive failure for a minute. We'll see.
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