Oct 27, 2004 03:23
woah look who's finally updating their journal. it's 3am and i can't sleep because my throat hurts so fucking bad. I can't even breathe or anyhting... i think i have tonsilitis, again. I'm gonna end up having to get those fuckers removed someday which is gonna suck. plus i have court tomorrow and afterwards i was gonna go to school late but theres no way i'd make it through the day. it all started tonight at work like around 7:30, i was fine until then i dunno what happened. speaking of work, it was not bad tonight, i worked w/ latoya which is awesome cuz she lets me do whatever i want and she's so nice. she told me tonight that she thinks that i'm a very hard worker there and she said that i'm just a good worker and she told my other manager to give me more hours for the week and stuff. awww, yeah i have 13 hours which isn't alot but most ppl have like 5 or 8 or even 0. i must of drank like 4 cups of tea w/ honey tonight cuz that usually does wonders for my throat... but not tonight. nope, not working. but i just made myself just plain tea w/ nothing in it. ohh yum. this whole entry is about me being sick, well thats gay. dude skippy is so up my ass right now like huggin me and purring and everything, i think it's trying to make bonifo jealous. it's working. so what is everyone doing for halloween??? i want you all to post and let me know, cuz i really wanna know. i'm very interested in all of your lives so comment fuckers. and if you don't, i'll come after you wearing only a pumpkin. o0o0o0o your excited, i know. so heres what i'm doing. friday night i might have work, i might not. i'm on call but if i don't then i'm going up to candices school to some haunted house thing and going through that. if i do have work, then i'm just gonna go over her house late and sleep over. saturday i have work from 2-close but after that i think i'm gonna go to one of my managers halloween parties. it's kinda far but it sounds like it's gonna be fun and alot of cool people that i work w/ will be there. hopefully candice can go too. who else wants to come?!?! then sunday morning i work from 10-2 0o0o0o spooooookyyyyyy. then afterwards me and candice are probably going on a hayride or something. then yes, at 18 years old, i wanna go trick or treating. oh and btw i'm gonna be a catholic school girl for halloween, since i didn't have the money to buy a mermaid costume, thats what i wanted to be in the first place.
on a more serious note, i'm really considering eventually moving to brigantine. my mom is too hard to live with. my dad probably isn't much better, but we actually get along now and time away from my mom might actually be a good idea. the only thing is school and my friends. i def don't wanna be away from my friends.
yeah i'm gonan go like watch tv or something since i can't sleep cuz my damn throat feels like it's on fire. love you all. sorry if this update is retarted, but consider it's 3:36 am... no one really makes sense at this hour. i cannot wait until christmas btw weeeeeeee!!!!!!!