(no subject)

May 22, 2006 20:23

DaVinci Code..... it was pretty fun. The visuals were great and all but one of the characters were what I imagined them to be. I'm glad I read the book (or listened to it, :)) because it was much more suspenseful to listen to it over the course of a day or three rather than just having a movie that ended the suspense (not that there was that much) in 2.5 hours. Actually, I remember really wanting to continue to listen to the CDs back then but making myself hold back a bit to extend the pleasure of the anticipation a bit.

I was watching News4 the other day, last week. They had some great financial expert on TV that said he knew how to get a guaranteed rate of return on XX%. Basically, it was to take out the money sitting in your bank accounts and pay off your credit card debt. I would say that such a policy is cut and dry and should be obvious to everyone, but I know it's not. I know people that keep credit card debt and don't pay it off as quickly as they could. I don't understand why they don't other than it's a character flaw that won't allow them to. It's easier to think you're richer in the present because you have some money in your account, but if you work out the numbers, it's clear to see you'd be far ahead in the future by paying down the debt (or never getting there in the first place).

Things are going well. I think I had something else in my head to get out, but I can't recall what it was (maybe it's just something stirring). Regardless, it's time to eat, :).
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