Application for the Barge

May 08, 2010 20:09

User Name/Nick: Claire
User LJ: diabolicalfiend
AIM/IM: Si Barone OW
Other Characters: Bob Fraser, General Chang

Character Name: Piper Halliwell
Series: Charmed
Age: 30
From When?: After

Inmate/Warden: Warden
Item: Tarot Card

Abilities/Powers: She has the power to freeze and blow things up, apparently due to the ability to alter the state of the molecules, yeah, that’s shady. That’s Charmed for you. She also has the power to cast some pretty powerful spells with ridiculous rhymes, especially if her sisters are around. She’s a potions master. She’s also a chef, which would prove useful on the Barge.

Personality: She’s highly strung and has a tendency to panic, not so much when a demon attacks, but when things don’t go her way or there’s a terrible mess. Yes, she’s a bit of a neat freak.

She can be overbearing sometimes, mothering people whether they appreciate it or not, but that is mostly a reaction to her insecurity surrounding becoming one.

Piper is the more compassionate one, always will to risk her heart in the service of protecting innocents, or simply making someone feel better. She is overall caring, though she is often suspicious of people who have betrayed her or who has done some untrustworthy things in the past.

She can rear into doormat territory but she’s growing out of that as her power and sense of self increases.

She can be pessimistic, but she does believe that everything happens for a reason, even if she doesn't always agree with that reason.

History: Piper was born as the middle child to Victor Bennet and Patty Halliwell in 1973. However, shortly after Patty was pregnant with Phoebe, the marriage finally broke down, due to Patty’s relationship with her guardian angel, or Whitelighter, Sam, as well as her mother’s, Penny Halliwell, constant battling with him over his three daughters’ destiny as the Charmed Ones. He left and she didn’t see him again until her late twenties.

During this time, a warlock by the name of Nicholas threatened Patty. In exchange for her life and that of her daughters, she agreed to give her immunity to their powers. The incident forced Patty and Penny to bind the sisters’ powers and hide their identity as witches from them.

When she was five years old and while Patty was attempting a long distance relationship with Sam, Patty discovered a water demon at the same summer camp that Prue and Piper went to. Attempting to use electricity to kill it, she was interrupted by Sam, who wanted to ensure her safety. Keen to do the same for him, Patty froze him, giving the demon the opportunity he needed to drown her, leaving her daughters in the care of their grandmother.

Penny was a strong willed, powerful woman who was determined that her granddaughters had to stay together, to make sure when they eventually got their powers back and became the Charmed Ones, they would make a better team.

Unfortunately, this often had the opposite effect. Prue was forced to become caretaker for her younger sister, to the point where she had to give up her dreams to do it and get a job in a museum.

Phoebe acted out and went out with unsavoury company and became the family’s black sheep.

Piper started out to become an accountant before training to become a chef, but when ‘Gram’s’ health started to fail, she put her dreams on the back burner too and joined a bank for the steady pay check and health insurance.

Prue’s controlling nature and Phoebe’s refusal to be controlled often put Piper in the middle for mediation as well, anxious for her sisters to get along and worrying about Gram’s health.

The strife between the sisters became so strong that even Penny was starting to have second thoughts and she brewed a potion (with some unconscious assistance from Piper herself) to bind their powers permanently. Before she could give them the potion, however, Penny had a heart attack that sent her to the hospital for the last time.

After her death, despite any attempts made by Piper, the three sisters separated. Piper remained in the house, alone, Prue went to live with her fiancé, Roger, and Phoebe went to New York, partially in the hopes of tracking down their father.

But the Charmed Ones weren’t about to escape their destiny that easily. Prue’s engagement broke down and she returned to the house. Piper, by now trying to reclaim her dreams, like Grams had wanted her to, was readying herself for an interview, when Phoebe, who Prue blamed, at least partially for the break up, returned home, out of money.

Piper begged Prue to give her a chance. During a particularly tense time, Phoebe found her way into the previously locked and forbidden attic, where she found the Book of Shadows.

Intrigued, Phoebe read out the first page, unknowingly granting them back their powers. When she realised what happened, she explained it to her sisters, who were at first disbelieving (in Prue’s case, anyway, Piper had already discovered her power with which she managed to get her job) and then angry, especially given now that they were now targets for evil as their ignorance had protected them before.

And it wasn’t long before that evil surfaced in none other than Piper’s own fiancé, Jeremy, who turned out to be a warlock, determined to steal her powers as soon as she had them.

This forced the sisters to work together and vanquish Jeremy using the power of three.

Piper continued to serve as a buffer between Phoebe and Prue as they realised that running away wasn’t an option for any of them any more and they should all stay in the manor.

As the girls grew into their powers and dealt with demons, the rift between the two women slowly began to heal.

During this time, as the manor was an old house and needed work, the sisters decided to hire a handy man on a semi-permanent basis. The handyman’s name was Leo Wyatt.

Instantly smitten, Piper tried to attract the man’s attention with such obstacles as her serial boyfriend stealing sister, Phoebe, who was only interested in him because she was, and his complete inability to catch a hint.

Eventually, though, she won out, but their relationship didn’t last long before he mysteriously had to go away.

With this, as well as the warlock issue mentioned above and falling in love with a ghost, Piper took a hiatus from dating.

Unfortunately, Phoebe often had different ideas, setting her up on dates and encouraging her to do a love spell with her. This ‘help’ never had the desired effect, ending up driving Piper crazy, so she was relieved to see that Leo had returned and wanted to recover their relationship.

However, the purpose of Leo returning was to say goodbye because, as he confided in Phoebe, he was the sisters’ whitelighter, their guardian angel, and explained to her how any such relationship with his charges was forbidden. Phoebe, of course, told the sisters this. Luckily for Leo, neither sister believed her.

Piper was soon to be proven wrong when Leo appeared to them with a poisoned arrow through him, fired at him by a darklighter, the only ones who could kill whitelighters.

Angry and dismayed that she’d been lied to, Piper was nonetheless desperate to save him, to the point where she was willing to swap her powers with his to get his healing power so she could heal him. Despite doing this, she found that she couldn’t trigger his power as it didn’t work like hers. It worked on love and it was only when she admitted how much she cared for him that she was able to heal him.

Leo told her that he felt the same way, but there was nothing they could do about it without breaking the rules. Piper agreed that breaking the rules wasn’t an option.

The sisters then got a new neighbour, Dan, an ex-baseball player. He was instantly smitten with Piper and once she got the hint from a dating video, she decided to date him.

The pair made a reasonably happy couple, though it was harmed by Piper having to explain away the family emergencies and Leo’s frequent presence in the manor, which she did with varying degrees of success.

Especially harmful was when Piper was struck down by a deadly disease she got from some smuggled fruit. Piper descended into a coma and Prue and Phoebe, rationalising that the retention of the Power of Three would exempt them from personal gain, used an awakening spell. Piper instantly recovered, though they were cursed with insomnia and the disease, normally not contagious, spread throughout the hospital.

Piper, unable to accept that her life would come at the cost of so many, told her sisters to put her back into the coma, despite the risks.

Reluctantly, they did so, but the shock to her system was too great and it eventually killed her. Her voyage to the pearly gates was interrupted, however, by Leo, who couldn’t let her die, whatever the rules said. He healed her and she covered, whispering his name, in earshot of Dan, who had spent the time by her bedside.

Despite Piper’s best efforts, their relationship continued to deteriorate, especially now that Leo was a mortal now and not subject to the whitelighter/witch rule any longer, with Dan becoming increasingly jealous and demanding and his work making being with him more of a long distance relationship than one with Leo.

Piper eventually confessed to Leo how she still felt about him, but was determined to give Dan his breakup on person, which would be in the following week.

At first, Leo was delighted, if unfortunately stymied, but then Prue came under the power of a darklighter and unwilling to chose to stay human at the cost of Prue, Leo demanded his powers back.

Piper remained firm however, and they agreed to make a go of it. Eventually, though, reality set in and the Elders had noticed their relationship and demanded that they stop or face unpleasant consequences.

Leo suggested that they go over their heads and get married before they could be separated. Despite reservations from both Piper and her sisters, the wedding took place under the veil of an eclipse. This would have been fine had Cole Turner not informed on them. Leo was taken away, screaming, and Piper was devastated.

Piper grew increasingly bitter by the Elders interference as time went on, but was knocked out of her self pity when she almost let an innocent get hurt. Impressed by her change of heart, the Elders took pity and sent her Leo on a trial basis.

Thankfully, both Piper and Leo proved that they could mix their professional and personal relationship and the Elders granted them leave to marry.

Despite Prue managing to have a midlife crisis which destroyed most of her wedding cake and Piper’s cold feet when considering all they had to put up with, Piper and Leo finally got married, in front of her family, including her mother and grandmother, who presided over the ceremony.

The biggest trial that awaited Piper since becoming a witch was to come. Shax, the Source of All Evil’s number one assassin was sent after the sisters. The attack was sudden and violent and gravely injured both Piper and Prue. Leo managed to save Piper but Prue was lost.

Piper and Phoebe were utterly devastated, with Piper especially unwilling to carry on being a witch, only the prospect of taking out the Source keeping her going at all.

To add insult to injury, Piper, after using every spell she could to get Prue back, used a spell to summon her sister.

This sister turned out to be Paige Matthews, the offspring of her mother and Sam. Piper was furious about this but with Phoebe’s urging decided to try to give Paige a chance and the Charmed Ones had the Power of Three once again.

Piper’s behaviour became increasingly destructive, making Paige feel unwelcome and taking out every demon she could, bringing Cole and Phoebe along with her. It took her becoming a Fury and some intervention from Paige for her to realise that the root of her problem lay at Prue’s feet rather than Paige’s.

She worked to adopt the eldest sister role that Prue left behind, teaching Paige the ways of potion-making and eventually warming up to the woman herself. Eventually this culminated in the three sisters vanquishing the Source, or at least his original body, with Cole and the Seer’s help.

During this time, Leo was always there, holding her up and supporting her and the issue of her becoming a mother came up. A visit to the doctors came up with disturbing results, becoming a mother wasn’t going to be easy.

It was the Angel of Destiny who told Piper the good news. Piper was pregnant.

At the beginning of her pregnancy, Piper’s power was somewhat out of whack and then as time went on, Piper became invincible, which unfortunately ended when she gave birth to him. They named him Wyatt Matthew Halliwell.

This power was feared throughout the demon community to the extent that there was a struggle to get to the baby. The sisters, but especially Piper, tore through the demons with a warning, never to touch Wyatt again. The demons acquiesced to this, though plans were being made to ‘convince’ the boy to join them instead.

Piper and Leo’s domestic bliss was to be interrupted by the re-emergence of the Titans. Finding themselves outgunned and only managing to survive with the assistance of a mysterious whitelighter by the name of ‘Chris’, the sisters were unable to do much to prevent the Titans from attacking the Elders home, as they were the beings that trapped them in the first place.

Leo went up and started to organise the surviving Elders escape as well as the overall battle plan. Bereft without her husband and suspicious of Chris, Piper was none too pleased to find her and her sisters turn into the goddess of Earth, Love and War respectively.

As it became clear that Leo was ascending to Elder status, Piper could only think of her son growing up without a father. She grew ever madder, to the point when the Titans attacked again, she had no problem sending them to the molten core of the Earth.

She then refused to give up her godhood, choosing instead to rain a heavy storm over San Francisco. Leo eventually talked her down. He cast a spell on her, so he could regulate how much grief that she had to handle, but Chris managed to get him sent to Valhalla and as such Piper grew more and more chipper as time went on.

When the Charmed Ones rescued Leo from the Valkyries, he removed the spell and Piper dealt with it first by descending into the persona of a Valkyrie and then by deciding to cut off her ties to Leo and just look after her son.

Then Chris revealed the reason behind his remaining in the past. Wyatt was to become evil and he was to prevent whatever evil from influencing him and turning him. Both Piper and Leo were dismayed by this news and Piper threw herself into the role of protector to prevent this from happening.

That is why she has made her deal with the Admiral.

Sample Journal Entry: [Piper sits in front of the camera with a pleasant smile on her face, which grows steadily more brittle as she goes on.] Hi! My name is Piper. I’m thirty, have a can-do attitude and like moonlight walks on the beech! [She rolls her eyes.]

Look, I’m here for one thing and one thing only. Live up to my end of the deal. I don’t know who this ‘Admiral’ guy is… [She softens] but I suppose if he’s all about giving people a second chance then I suppose I can’t complain. At least he hasn’t taken my soul… [Is that insensitive? Yeah, it probably is. She winces.] Sorry.

I’m sure you inmates don’t want to be here anymore than you have to, if that, and I have a son to get back to, so how about we set the record for the fastest redemption in history, ok? [She smiles, but it’s an awkward one, that she eventually drops. She’s really not coming over well, is she?] I mean, if… if we can.

[Make a recovery, Piper!] So… what do you people eat around here? Cause I’m a chef!

Sample RP: “‘At least he hasn’t taken my soul’!” she repeated what she said in that first journal entry in a high pitched troll voice (and she would know). “God! How exactly could I be so stupid! Way to make a good first impression, Piper!” She gave herself the traditional golf clap. “And did I really just tell everybody my age?” She dropped her head against the nearest available wall.

She took a few deep breaths, though it didn’t exactly relieve her embarrassment. She touched the cool wall with her hands, just to feel the texture of it. Why was she here, really?

Yes, ensuring that Wyatt had the best life she could give him was the most important thing in her life, but how is coming here, being away from him, going to help that?

Sure, she made certain that the Admiral would return her to the exact time and place where she left, but getting right down to it, she missed her son and time was still passing for her so it was difficult, if not impossible, to imagine it not doing the same for him or her sisters either.

It could take months, years, to rehabilitate an inmate, Piper didn’t figure these guys for shoplifters which meant she was months and years away from home.

All Leo’s fault, a part of her half-heartedly claimed. Even the thought of him made her ache and really, she didn’t believe that. Just because he wasn’t there, doesn’t mean that he sent demons after his son, for Chrissakes. Though he’s there often enough to drive Piper crazy.

Hey, maybe she could get some perspective on that from here? Yeah, right. Somehow, if it took years or decades, Piper probably wasn’t going to change her mind on any of this, especially not Leo.

Special Notes:


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