Things are coming along nicely here. The slayer school is almost to capacity, the watchers finally trained, even Dawn. Buffy is finally getting used to the fact that she is a watcher. She may not be thrilled with the decision I made, but she sees that it was the proper one
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I took a deep breath and stood, now pacing the office. I couldn't decide if I wanted to be angry with her or perhaps proud that she was so protective. "Buffy.." I start as I attempt to gather my emotions. "She has prepared for this, she is training with one of my best watchers, and her most difficult task of late has been babysitting twins. I am certain that if she can handle being in the same house as Cecelia and Connor, she can handle anything." I explained attempting to throw a bit of levity in there, not to ease Buffy's mind, but to keep me from losing my temper.
"I also have to consider that she is taking the time to train for something she was destined to do, when others with a similar destiny have been shirking their responsibilities." Ok that was a bit low, but she would understand my feelings now.
"As for your Break from slaying you must know it makes a world of difference. Those girls are in no way prepared to face what you have. You can not throw them to the wolves the week they get here, no matter how eager they are. You are needed to train them, guide them, and whatever else they might need." I say "I would also have to ask, have you even bothered to check in on anyone else? Willow, Faith? Any of the other slayers? Do you know that not only Tara has arisen from the dead but Cordelia as well, or possibly that we have two pregnant slayers? Have you taken time to step away from Spike long enough to be aprised of any of these details?"
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