
Jan 29, 2010 13:19

I feel groggy....anyone know what happened? Reminder to self, never volunteer to test potions again. What is today? Where'd my cat go? Did I miss most the school year ( Read more... )

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charmed_my_ass February 2 2010, 05:02:43 UTC
((No worries! As a note, sometimes the icons I have aren't adequate so I uploaded some to photobucket and use them in the body of the comment :) ))

Hm. Sure. Must be.

Quidditch is fun no matter the age, really. I tend to spend most of my time cooking, or training the pups. I always thought by now I'd be traveling the world, but I like it so much here. I suppose I spend a fair bit of time reading fairy tales and daydreaming too, anymore.


n0blesse_oblige February 2 2010, 05:13:09 UTC
Hufflepuffs make the best cooks, it's a fact. Although I'm rather rubbish at it myself so I guess I'm not a great example.

You train dogs?


charmed_my_ass February 2 2010, 05:24:51 UTC
Not like that really. I ended up as a caretaker of three orphaned wolf pups last summer. Part of the agreement to let me have them here was they they would be very well trained and controlled. They're really very sweet.

I could teach you to cook if you like! I wouldn't mind at all. I thought of starting a cooking club to teach those who were interested, since I can't start a class on it.


n0blesse_oblige February 2 2010, 05:36:34 UTC
Oh. Goodness. Where do you keep these pups?

Well that would be quite nice.. I dare say it would probably end up like the time DG tried to teach me to draw, which was mostly a disaster. But I can try. Cooking I think I can manage, drawing I was hopeless.


charmed_my_ass February 2 2010, 05:44:49 UTC
Usually in my room. They may be wandering about looking for me, I wouldn't be surprised. Minya will be a mess when I find her.


n0blesse_oblige February 2 2010, 05:50:21 UTC
I'll be staying out of your room then. Although I do trust you that you've done a good job training them.

*They arrive at the hospital wing*

Here we are.. do you need me to take you in?


charmed_my_ass February 2 2010, 05:53:58 UTC
*she pauses, curious* You don't like dogs?


n0blesse_oblige February 2 2010, 05:56:33 UTC
I like dogs, I'm a little adverse to wolves is all. Although I'll take your word that they're very nice.


charmed_my_ass February 2 2010, 06:48:04 UTC

Trust me, they're little more than house dogs...unless someone hurts me. I doubt you have any intentions of that, so you'll be fine! I could introduce you to them sometime?

*she steps toward the door, smiling*

Thank you for helping me. I probably would have been stuck up there for a while if you hadn't!


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