(no subject)

Mar 21, 2009 02:13

Aww...well it's adorable! I...don't like it going through my drawers though...HEY! THOSE ARE MY NECKLACES! Please stop...awww but you're so cute....

Anyone know why I have a Niffler in my room? Following me? And stealing my things?

Also...is anyone else missing things from their dorm? I suppose it's our fault for having them in the first place. Contraband is contraband after all. We knew better.

[Private to Paul//Barely Hackable]
I was told we have to be a bit more....delicate till the end of the year. I suppose I should be surprised we were noticed, but I find it funny that we had to do so during the time when I'm so busy I don't have time to breathe, let alone smother you with kisses all over the school. Hmph. Ah well, I really should be behaving myself if I want to be a teacher. I love you though, I hope you aren't too upset about the whole thing. It's not like I have any control over it or anything. At least it's only about three months left?
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