Feb 24, 2009 03:11
((OOC: THis is backdated to yesterday! And yes, Piper is a Hufflepuff Prefect))
I would like all of you to continue your school work as normally as possible. I am certain that some flowers or a get well card would not go wry, but for the most part we need to continue on and keep out of the way of those in charge. Prefects may find out a bit sooner than students do but I assure you the moment I find out I will tell you everything I can. Until then we have to be patient. Besides, Minato is a strong one and we've got the best staff in our Hospital wing I can think of. So try to be happy, I don't think Minato would want us all in tears and fussing so much.
...If you insist on fussing perhaps we can set about planning a little feast for when he's out of the hospital wing? Or something of the sort.
[Filtered to Teachers/Non-ministry]
I would appreciate an update as soon as possible, many of them are really upset by this and anything we can do to ease them would be appreciated I'm sure. Also, I'd like to throw my voice in with the outraged cries. I thought the Ministry were here to add 'extra protection' and when they are here we have a student attacked? Seems any time the Ministry is around trouble seems to follow close behind. Are we sure he will be alright?
[Private to Paul/UNCHACKABLE except to Jei or Vala NO EXCEPTIONS!]
I will eat them.