Nov 21, 2004 20:58
This is a cycle of events that are hilarious, embarassing, traumatic, exciting, and stressful. I'm planning naps I'll be allowed to take a week in advance. I'm a bag of skin, bones, thoughts and craziness.
Random happenings:
my Pedro campaign sign with the makeshift liger got stolen the day before I was set to take it home. It was cute, okay?
my 50 pleas of "fire Wujek" that Ben and I put in the suggestion boxes have thus far gone unanswered
I joined the bowling team. So far I can hit most pins. It's basically going pretty well considering.
evil post-work fun: stealing Steak 'n' Shake napkin holders, dancing in the Big Lots! parking lot, another near-vandalization of Justin's house (and quite the glimpse of him in pineapple boxers), and doing what Mickley would call "a little mild stalking"
getting saved again on a cold, cold Friday morning and all I can do is absorb the heat from the vents and the Postal Service buzzing into my ears while he dutifully makes sure I get up to the building with as little potential of freezing as possible.
the world is against my khakis. In two nights, I get them drenched with water, and then gravy, and then more water (after first spilling it all over a customer!!). Patrick, or Pâté rather, deduced that I need spill-proof pants. Or grace. One of the two at least.
my sister's birthday = Spongebob cake, watch, DVDs, sleeping bag, game...
every day in Photography, John says I am Russian, or Greek, or a farmer, or Ethiopian (?!), or Samolian, or... you name the type, I've been it at least once this semester. Wednesday I was delightfully "just Karlie".
addiction to cherry Kool-Aid has commenced
the Baker/Schwingle team will hit Europe with a bang this May, guaranteed
frienship reconciliation gone bust-- do I just not know how to make one work, or was it doomed from the start?
stealing realty signs is illegal?
and my darling.