Watched Pirates of the Caribbean with the Padre. Such a good movie, (except for ongoing skelton pirate scenes zzzzz...)
But before that...we were just flicking around and caught a local cable show called OC Cinema Critics. It was too funny, two young guys just out of their minds with this movie review show. Well we watched as three young German guys in their only their underpants with like tons of VIP LOTR lanyards on review the movie in thick german accents. Strange and they didn't know what the heck was going on in LOTR.
But then the hosts came back on (one guy reminded me of a half Asian Chevy Chase) and I guess they do a weekly Classic Movie Reinactment - and the did It's A Wonderful Life. The showed this clip in black and white, clearly filmed at the circle near Watson's at Christmas time (all the Christmas decorations, and no modern twinkle lights, downtown orange gets the kitsy Christmas decorations in the street ). It looked just like It's A Wonderful life (Except no fake snow), the Chevy Chase guy in Jimmy Stewart type suit with perfect Jimmy Stewart accent was running down Chapman avenue in front of Watson's, screaming...
"Merry Christmas movie house" (ran in front of the old movie house in the circle.)
then.... Merry Christmas, Emporium. Merry Christmas, you wonderful Building and Loan!!
The funniest part is he runs up to the Wells Fargo Building that probably dates back to the turn of the century, and slams his hands on the window and screams
But the Wells Fargo Building hosts a StarBucks inside, so there is this one balding middle aged guy that is really inside Starbucks having a coffee by himself reading something and he looks up like WTF??...and there is this guy dressed as Jimmy Stewart complete with like a mittens and scarf pounding on the window outside!! (I mean this guy wasn't someone put there) Tears were coming out of my eyes it was so funny.
You might have had to be there but
mimmy has so she might get this. Yes the Orange Circle is a bit of "Bedford Falls" right in the middle of the O.C.