They imply the wearer not only will be willing to fix your clogged drain, but they'll actually know what they're doing. There's something about being capable and independent that's really sexy.
Plus it says they'll probably be okay with making out on the hood of a car, even if there's a chance of mussing up their hair or getting dust on their clothes.
I've got a friend who just moved up from Las Vegas who thinks the whole girl's Carthart thing here in Seattle is pretty awful. I suppose he's just used to women who dress like Jenny from the Block, or like they just stepped out of a Pat Benatar music video from 1984.
Plus it says they'll probably be okay with making out on the hood of a car, even if there's a chance of mussing up their hair or getting dust on their clothes.
Then why don't my carharts GET ME LAID???
and they remind me on hometown boys on farms and under cars..
i suppose i never factored the car hood makeout factor though. hmm....
At least that's my take on it.
I've got a friend who just moved up from Las Vegas who thinks the whole girl's Carthart thing here in Seattle is pretty awful. I suppose he's just used to women who dress like Jenny from the Block, or like they just stepped out of a Pat Benatar music video from 1984.
but that seems like a fairly specific and unrelated interest.
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