"Let me make you some sandwiches!"

Sep 10, 2007 21:13

Had a great weekend, thanks for asking.

Got my pieces off to Harvest '07 in Atlanta. I'll be posting more info about it here this week. Got my OTHER piece off (ya know, that sounds dirty...) to the next Low Brow on teh High Seas in Vancouver that will be happening this weekend. More info about that as well will be forthcoming. Again with the dirty.

The evening was all about making an amazing dinner, playing with the kids, and doing some planning-talk that is best served after dinner with a bottle of wine...

Spent most of the day at our next-door-neighbor's place for their end-of-summer party. Ran into some folks who used to hang out and party in Bremerton back in the day, and now THEY have kids!! Amazing what can happen in two years since you see someone.

It was actually quite fun to stand around talking to fellow "alt-culture" dads. They were newer at it than I am, so I got to give them my two-cents on certain things they were still coming to terms with. And, as usual, regardless of the struggle-points, everyone felt pride and joy about being that "cool dad" for our kids.

Unfortunately, by the end of the day, we were all wiped out and kind of dragged ourselves home for another big dinner, and preparing for the next big day...

Z's first day at Kindergarten!

Now, ok, this is a big frikkin' deal. A major milestone not only for Z but for us as a family. She rode the bus to school and everything, a proud little girl looking forward to the adventure with just a tinge of healthy apprehension. We saw her off, then followed the bus to school for the "Easy Send-off" to see her get to class, and hang out for about an hour just to make sure there weren't any break-downs or freak-outs.

But she did great. We even got to spy on her through the window. We hung out with some of the people we know from the school (The PTSO president, the art teacher, some other parents), and believe you me, I stick out a bit compared to most parents. Even dressed in my casual manner, I was getting looks from some of the adults like, "...uh...what?". Most of the time, though, I walked around with Kasper, and since he looked happy and we were playing a lot, that made me ok, I guess. ;-)

The art teacher at the school has asked me to be an "art docent", where I can come in and talk to the kids about an artists or a movement and then teach a lesson. Of course, I won't be talking about MY art, nor will any such work be mentioned; not really my audience. But I can bust a move all over a lesson about perspective or some of the broader points of the Surrealist movement. Hell, i'd love to teach about typography even!

"So, class, who can tell me about the influence of Saul Bass on commercial design? Ok, how about how Paul Renner redefined typography with a single typeface? Anyone know the difference between Kerning and Leading? Bueller? Bueller?"

Probably a bit much for grammar-schoolers.
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