Questions Meme

Feb 26, 2012 18:10

So I'm a bit late in posting this on LJ today, and as such I'm guessing most people have already done this, but on the off chance there's someone who hasn't I will repost the meme fromastreamofstars - Comment on this post, and I will list seven things I want you to talk about. They might make sense or they might be totally random. Then post that list, with your commentary, to your journal. Other people can get lists from you, and the meme merrily perpetuates itself. And if you have already completed the meme, then feel free to just read my answers :)

#1 If you were given the option to see the future, would you take it? 
  I think I would be too stressed out by knowing what the future holds. If it was something good I'd be worried about messing it up by accidentally changing something, and if it was bad I'd be constantly worrying about it before it even happened. That being said, I think if I was offered this choice on my deathbed (at which point I'd be powerless to alter things one way or another anyway), then yes, I think it would be very interesting to see what the future of our planet might look like.

#2 Do you collect anything? 
  I collect DVDs of Broadway shows (still have quite a few to go before my collection is anywhere near complete, but my roommates always know to come to me if they want to watch anything musical). So I'm a scifi and musical theater geek...and absolute plethora of geekiness.

#3 If you could meet any one person from history, who would it be? 
  This is definitely a tough question, since there are so many amazing people I'd love to meet. Not taking the copout of naming someone alive today that I'd still love to meet, I'm going to have to go with Elizabeth Cady Stanton (an active propent of women's suffrage in the US for those who may not have heard of her). I'd be fascinated to hear what it was like to push for women's right to vote in a time when it seemed nearly impossible, and I'd love to ask her how she found the initiative to so actively support her cause despite all opposition.

#4 What word do you most overuse?
  I think my answer for this is different when speaking and when writing. In my stories and on LJ I've realized I have a tendency to overuse the word 'rather', but in day-to-day life I find myself abusing the phrase 'sounds good'.

#5 Do you have any odd quirks? (like my weird multicoloured spelling one)
  I can't stand the smell of bubblegum, it makes me sick to my stomach every time I get within a few feet of someone chewing it...but that's not nearly as fascinating as synesthesia, so not sure if it really counts as a quirk or just an oddity.

#6 Best year of your life so far, and why.
  Hmm, I suppose I'd honestly have to go with 2011. I got to do some amazing abroad work in Africa, go to Dragon*Con and meet Mary, hang out with friends quite a bit, got accepted to medical school, and had minimal (ok, maybe not minimal, but at least not horrific) family drama. So all-in-all it was a pretty excellent year.

#7 Outside of anyone who appeared in BSG, who is your favourite actor or actress?
   I absolutely love Allison Janney. I've been a huge fan of hers since I first watched The West Wing, and she's one of those actresses who I then went on to watch in all her other roles and discovered that she's brilliant in most everything she's in. She's hilarious and seems very genuine in all of her interviews I've seen, and I love her versatility and how readily she takes on everything from the ridiculously comedic to the heartbreakingly depressing.


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