Round 7 Info:

Aug 20, 2011 03:45

- You must be a member and have signed up for this round to participate.
- All icons must be newly made for this round and fit LJ standards (under 40kb, 100x100px and either .png, .gif or .jpg file format).
- No animation. Stills only please, unless animation is part of the challenge.
- Screencaps, episode stills, and promo images are fine to use.
- Please post three (3) teaser icons here and link to your journal or community. Please make sure your entry is public until the winners are posted. You may also post your icons here, but please put them under the cut.
- Use the table provided please. You may change the colors of course or use your own table, but keep the themes in order.
- If you would like a participation banner, please let me know when you post your entry to the community.
- Put Round #07 - Username in the subject of your entry.
- Everything must be completed by Friday, September 9th by 11:59 PM in your time zone.
- I'll be putting in the tags manually after you submit your entry.
- Have fun everyone! And please let me know if I've missed anything!

List of Participants

If you have any questions regarding the themes or category, just comment and I'll explain and/or provide examples.

(10) Themes: Promo Picture, Out of the Box, Halliwell Manor, Book of Shadows, Required Texture, Blended, Life, Death, Panorama

*Out of the Box: Interpret as you wish. Animations are acceptable this round.

*Required Texture: This texture must be used in some way.
-- Created by: blame

-- Created by: jenniferjensen

(5) Category: 5 Elements - Fire, Water, Earth, Air, Spirit/Light

(5) Artist's Choice:



Promo PictureOut of the BoxHalliwell ManorBook of ShadowsRequired Texture
BlendedLifeDeathPanorama APanorama B

5 CATEGORY - Five Elements

Cat 1Cat 2Cat 3Cat 4Cat 5


Artist's Choice #1Artist's Choice #2Artist's Choice #3Artist's Choice #4Artist's Choice #5

!info, round 7