Wherein I think about future XP expenditures.
Majesty 5 (25 XP). Having a discipline at 5 is always pretty swank, and my next MC Dot won't be here for a while. Would add to all my Majesty pulls, obviously. However, my pool for Sovereignty would be a grand and glorious 7 (PRE 3 + INM 0[-1] + MAJ 5) which is pretty easy to break.
Nepenthe 5 (25 XP).
Occult 4 (12 XP).
Persuasion 4 (12 XP).
Obfuscate 1 (7 XP). Learnable from Cynthia, and I've got the pool to make some use of it.
Vigor 1 (5 XP). It should happen eventually, and it actually adds to the pool for Blessed Drowning.
Allies (Media) 2 (4 XP).
futurenurselady's plot probably vanished with her, but it's still useful.
Comments welcome.