An Echo From The Past!

Mar 08, 2007 19:51

Late for Information Technology Why? I was held up by the counclers. I rusehed into class hoping the teacher didn't notice and thankfully he didn't and later shut the doors. God my grade back from a previous assignment and what do you know Miss Jenna got 15 and I got 11, kay seriously WTF!?!?

In my seconde last class Amanda returned to school out of nowhere (She's going to Collage and High school) and the girls went nuts when they saw her! My last class me and Jess tried to take notes but I kept Hic-Uping and couldn't stop and I made a big hic-Up, the teacher looked at me funny.

Thank god tomorrows Friday! (Dentist on Saturday!) And Btw Kayla it's very immature to show off to your guy friends by attepmting to push me into the snow becuase I will get you back!
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