That full personality analysis I took on FB is really accurate.

Jun 22, 2009 20:13

Today marks the first day of work after protected leave and I was at my laptop all thr way from 9 am till 7.15 pm. As a result, I'm developing a blister on my wrist due to excessive friction when using the mouse.

I received a relay message about a meeting on Wed morning about some safety measures and made a call to KL, only to realise that she was quarantined too! We whined about hoe we had to many things to do at the workplace and tried to count the number of people who are in the same shoes as us - only to return next Monday. :(

Nonetheless, I feel very accomplished. I analysed the results of the first language for 7 full hours and then turned to improving the emcees script for the Speech Day.

My Head called me to ask bout the script and I managed to whine about how stupid I felt at home when I wasn't sick but I still needed to be quarantined after all. I think i'll just burst each time I talk to anyone from school.

After emailing her the scripts, some time later I receive another phonecall.

I spoke to the THIRD Head today over the phone about some videos. Again I talked and talked - I must be subconsciously excited that I was talking to someone in school yet another time that day.

I'm geared for work. But I cant be at the workplace. What a total bummer.
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