school szmoole

Jan 04, 2008 20:24

so school has started but there has yet to be any lessons whatsoever this week. haha so basically school consisted of lazing around in 24(which is now ours!!!) doing ridiculous stuff like magnetic poetry and coming up with the stupidest, most grammatically bullshittiest sentences possible. haha i kid you not:

1. Follow camel to nest and get wet
2. dad told me to go in fun barn and get frederra wet (i take no responsibility for this one)
3. watch girl flew and moonlight like you
4. see small red man watch pigs twirling wetly....(or something along this line)

i swear all we needed was the word wet. haha taariq kelly wanping valerie yvonne and i were laughing so badly that i could hardly breathe. and now taariq wants to get a tsd shirt with 'pigs twirling wetly' on the back.

oh yeah..we met our junior class 08A12..spent like 20 mins outside the clinic with jireh and brassington coming up with nonsense things to do during junior meet senior and ended up just fighting over darryl's hair of all things. and just one guy taking tsd??!! whats up with that? ah well we'll get to see the whole bunch of tsd newbies soon:)

oh yes and somehow our group name became THE DANDY-LIONS...

go us. six weeks left and i have appointed myself the official meeting coordinator:)
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