Doctor Who vid (The Master) - Don't stop me now

Jul 10, 2007 20:06

Video Title: Don't Stop Me Now
Song Title/Artist: Don't stop me now - Queen
Character/Fandom: The Master, Doctor Who
Summary: Sometimes an evil genius just needs to let his hair down and have some fun.
Length/Format: 3.28, Xvid
Notes: Spoilers for the last 3 eps of season 3.

Out of two song choices left to a poll this song came out on top. There was a small turn out in numbers but this was clearly the voters' pick. Thanks to all who voted! :). Also if you've not seen it yet, check out the Master fanmix here.

Beta help and advice came from the ever insightful xandra_ptv  and the awesome mranderson71.

Look out for mranderson71's companion piece (hopefully coming soon.)

Download Xvid (720x400 - 35MB)

doctor who, videos, dw

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