Charmax 05/06 vids on DVD This DVD is no longer available.

Jul 02, 2007 11:12

This DVD is no longer available.

Let's try again. After a false start, the few problems I was having with the NTSC are now sorted. Many thanks morgandawn for your perseverance and tech help, you're always to be relied on.
If you have previously been given the password by me then it's the same as before, you don't need to ask for it again.

All blurb courtesy of obsessive24. *mwah* Loves your lawyer brain. Thank you thefourthvine & ceridwyn2 for being the initial test downloaders. You're awesome.

The files are 2.55GB for the NTSC and 3.30GB for the PAL and are designed to be downloaded and burned onto a blank DVD, which you can then watch on a standard DVD player. You will need a DVD burner and the ability to extract WinRAR files. A download manager is also highly recommended. The files are rar files in parts and once extracted you will get one .iso file that you then burn to disc.

The page for the files is here it is password protected because the files are huge and I need to keep an eye on bandwidth.

For the password please copy and paste the statement below into an email and address it to charmax[at]bronze-ambition[dot]net. In the subject line please put DVD password request.

I promise not to give the password or direct download links on this webpage to a third party. Once I have downloaded and burned the DVD, I will not, under any circumstance, pass it onto the copyright holder of any of the shows, films, music or graphics used in this DVD, or otherwise bring it to their attention. I will not play this DVD for any purpose other than for my personal home use. I will not sell, trade or otherwise distribute this DVD for my personal gain, whether monetary or otherwise.

[your name]

The DVD is available in both NTSC and PAL formats.

I may not be at my computer to grant immediate access but I will get to you a.s.a.p.

01. No Bravery - Troy
02. Cool Your Jets - Mr. & Mrs. Smith
03. From Your Favourite Sky - Hex
04. Boom Boom Ba - Xena Warrior Princess
05. Club Foot - Life On Mars
06. Wake Up - Wonderfalls
07. Your Woman - Angel
08. Mambo Italiano - Alias
09. Bloody Mother - Deadwood
10. Suicide Note - Angel
11. One Way Or Another - Veronica Mars
12. Candleburn - Firefly
13. Protege Moi - Supernatural
01. Elevation - Firefly (Christmas 05 for thedothatgirl)
02. The Way We Get By - Supernatural (Christmas 05 for astartexx)
03. Beautiful Obscene - Hex (Christmas 06 for messiejessie)
04. Destiny Calling - Multi Fandom Movies (Christmas 06 for astartexx)
01. Respectable - Buffy The Vampire Slayer (Sweet Charity - Marfan)

Unfortunately on a couple of videos there is some interlacing, this I cannot fix.

vidding, 0506collection, charmaxdvd

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