Vid recs & Heroes icons

May 15, 2007 18:26

The Reverie style contest is is in it's final stages now so once that's over completely, in a couple of days, I'll have a few recs to share. There have been some *fantastic* vids come out of it. Dexter, House and Heroes to name a few. I may also have one of my own...

In the meantime here are a couple of awesome Smallville & Animated videos to check out. I was suggesting them for vividcon's experimental and Saturday Morning Cartoon vidshows so I thought I may as well plug them here too. If you download them please feed the vidders. :)

Vidder: mranderson71
Title: Ultra Violent Deunan
Fandom: AppleSeed
This combines live action audio from the trailer of Ultra Violet with AppleSeed's visuals to make a stunning combination.
stream at imeem

Vidder: frivolity65
Title: Bionicle
Fandom: Bionicle 2
Frivolity brings her unique vidding style to Bionicles.
download at vidders page

Vidder: Becky
Title: Confession
Fandom: Smallville
This vid uses Smallville footage Chloe and Lex with the tango scene from Moulin Rouge to make a very sexy vid which is also unique in it's story-telling.
download at vidders page

Vidder: Becky
Title: There's Only Me
Fandom: Smallville/Batman
This is such  a clever AU narrative that places Michael Keaton's Bruce Wayne into Smallville.
download at vidders page

Take? Comment + credit.




recs, icons, heroes, reverie

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