That vidding meme

Feb 19, 2007 19:12

Posted absolutely everywhere but started by sockkpuppett here

Is there an empty space that it fills, or is it just a marvellous extra in your life?

It definitely fills an empty space. I can't draw or paint, I can't write elegant prose, or sew, or play a musical instrument or do anything else remotely artistic (well I can Photoshop a bit) so vidding is my main outlet for any creative impulse I have.

What do you learn from watching other vids, or do you learn anything?

I've learned tons of things from watching other vids. I remember when the penny dropped as to why some vids impressed me more than others.The best vids paid attention to the music not just the lyrics. It was as if the scales had fallen from my eyes (or my ears) and suddenly I knew what I wanted to do with my vids even if I wasn't able to actually do it for a while. I've learned that quite often less is more and effects need to serve a purpose other than looking cool.

Do you think that vidders put a piece of themselves into their work?

I think the best vidders do. I think you can tell when a vidder really loves the song and the source and has put their everything into making the vid. Equally I think a great sense of fun that comes from the best light-hearted vids stems from the joy and enthusiasm a vidder has for their source material.

Or do you think it's just a sort of technical exercise or something in between?

I think it's inevitably something in between. Sometimes the tech aspects can be a bit of a pain but if I haven't learned at least one little bit of techy bollocks during the making of a vid I consider myself to have been treading water and that takes the edge off the whole experience.

Can you draw the line in what you can teach a person re vidding and what has to just come from within that person?

Hmm, my first reaction was that you can teach anyone everything if you have enough patience and an ability to make yourself understood. Then I thought it through and I think that some of it definitely has to come from within. Someone could probably teach me all the correct grammar and punctuation but that wouldn't make me a fanfic writer. Also I think people have to be prepared to learn for themselves. It doesn't all fall in your lap you have to be prepared to work at it.

Do you think that vidding illuminates anything about you TO you? Something that you may not have been aware of?

The single biggest thing it's illuminated is that I am a perfectionist. In most aspects of my life I'm happy to settle for good enough but it turns out when it comes to vidding I expect much more of myself.

Have you ever been pimped into a fandom by watching a vid? Elaborate?

Absolutely, on many occasions. Specifically Deadwood, Firefly, Wonderfalls and I've had DVDs for Highlander: The Raven and Joan of Arcadia for ages but I'm worried the reality might spoil my enjoyment of a couple of my fav vids.

Have you ever had a vid "made to order?" How did you feel about it once it was finished? Was it anything like what you wanted or expected?

I've made one to order for an auction. astartexx and myself have an ongoing vidlet exchange which usually just involves a song and a prompt. The auction vid was more specific and involved following someone else's storyboard and although it was hard I enjoyed the challenge. Astarte never fails to amaze me with what she comes up with in her vidlets. sometimes we are on exactly the same wavelength other times we see things entirely differently but the results are always astounding.

What are your favourite types of vids? Universe vids? Arguments? Lyrical? Mood pieces? AU's? Something else?

I like good vids it's as simple as that. Having said that I struggle when watching syrupy shipper vids and definitely lean towards vids that illuminate something about a character. I also love a vid that, intentionally, makes me laugh whilst I resent the time I've wasted on ones that make me laugh without meaning to.

vidding, meme

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