
Feb 13, 2007 00:17

If I have recently friended you it's because I am fed up with the lj hopping. I have added you because I like to watch your vids, see your art, just read you generally because you are interesting. There is no need to friend me back if you don't want to; most of my posts consist of art, vids + memes - not a lot of meat. If you are currently on my list and want to make an escape now, go ahead. I won't hold it against you. If you have friended me and I have not added you back, I'm sorry. If I do this it's because I feel we have very minimal in common, we never communicate or unlikely to ever comment on each others posts.

So with that out of the way - Hi new folk. :)

ETA: Possible LoM season 2 spoilers in comments.


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