So I finally found time to catch up with my TV shows.

May 07, 2006 21:33

I love David Tennent I really do and in many ways I prefer his less intense take on the Doctor but I can’t help feeling that the stories although fun aren’t quite as compelling so far. I loved Tony Head’s demonic headmaster though. And I loved Sarah Jane and Rose comparing notes. I can’t help but feel that they are laying it on a bit thick with the lonely doctor bit though. He’s a lonely god I get it already.

I was a few eps behind on this one. So I’ve only just seen the final.
The Winchesters are the angstiest family ever, with Sam’s Oedipus complex and Dean’s fear of abandonment and a Dad who would die for his kids but can’t tell them how much he loves them. Some serious family therapy needed there.

They must be pretty confident that the show will be renewed to risk that ending. It would have been a good deal more shocking if I hadn’t seen it on the Alias finale last year but still…

Ok so I know this show went off the boil a couple of seasons back and I can’t bring myself to care about any of the new characters they introduced this season but still Jack is always great. I love that they brought Anna back. I much prefer it when she looks like Gina Torres though. Oh and I had forgotten how cute Will and Syd are together. I have so not missed Vaughn this season and I couldn’t care less about his coming back from the dead. Welcome back though Evil Sloane how I’ve missed you.

I still think this is my favourite show at the moment. I love Daddy Mars so much. His reaction to the air quotes was the coolest thing ever. Although Weevil has gone darker this season than I would have thought possible I am still hoping he isn’t implicated in the bus crash. There hasn’t been much Logan/Weevil stuff lately but there has been Logan Wallace as study buddies which was fun and much more Mac which with or without Cassidy can only be a good thing. A third season would definitely have to have her as a regular.

I’ve only got one thing to say about this. Michael you are and always were a total dick!!

alias, veronica mars, tvtalk. dr who, supernatural, lost

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